If you are skinny and get tatts then later workout and get rip will your...

Yes. However, the result will depend on many things including the art and the nature and magnitude of the distortion. One of my daughters had a 4 inch butterfly tatted between her shoulder blades. She got fat, lost the weight, and now her butterfly is a very distorted wavy mess.

I had a short career as a tattooist many years ago and I always warned people that the skin is ever changing and responding to the toll life takes on our bodies. Pigments fade and migrate, tats get blurry, and most of all the sentimental tattoos lose their value when the owner loses the sentiments. As much as I appreciate good body art, my personal opinion is the tattoo craze of the past couple of decades is doing little more than disfiguring what could be beautiful skin and cluttering the natural aesthetic quality of the body.

Think long and hard before committing to a tat.

Good luck and good health!!
