I was treated badly at hotel du vin in Brighton by the head housekeeper and a...


New member
Oct 13, 2008
...French man? I know this happened so long ago but it had wounded me so badly.
And I must stop trying to figure out why this had happened to me.simply because I know that I'm not a bad person and I haven't committed any crimes.
I thought of every possible reason why these two manager had persecuted me so badly and showed an enormous amount of hostility and aggression towards me.
1.they didn't like me because I'm Asian looking or Muslim looking.
2.they didn't like me because I have a scruffy and ugly look.
3.they didn't like me because I'm retard ,idiot and low class.
I thought of every possible explanation to figure out why this has happened to me.
What ever the reason is ,it was very hurtful,and injustice .
Why the general manager employed me for the first place if I was a bad image at their charming hotel
It wasn't my fault and I shouldn't have been blamed.
It would useful to know why this happened .
I've stated three reasons ,I can not think of any thing else to make people express so much hostility towards you apart from this.
And above all if you are considered to be a vulnerable person in any society ,you are dead .
People will just kill you.