I need an estimate on having brake pads, rotors, bearings and calipers...


New member
Aug 7, 2010
...replaced on a 1996 mazda millenia? I'm from a small town in MI and would be going to either a muffler man or a napa auto care center.
The problem-
front end squeaking seemingly coming from both tires when going slow speed or slowing down/stopping and also when turning.
I called both shops and they do free break inspections and they both said it sounded like the breaks but didn't give me any kind of estimate and said they would have to find out for sure what's wrong before they would.

The other problem-
I only have a certain amount to spend so I would like to know a guesstimate as far as price range instead of having them inspect it for free and then me being like "oh thanks for the free inspection, I don't want your service now". The embarrassment of not having enough? lol Any prices that are a close guess for each thing because I'm not sure what they'll need to replace.
Also it is front wheel drive
I'm not assuming, I am asking for the normal price range on each of these parts individually so I know what I might end up spending. BTW your estimate is WAY off even I know that and I don't know much about much.