I have no interest in my Studies and Social Networks?


May 14, 2008
So yeah, this is my actually problem. I have no interest in anything at all. I have used social networking so much that I don't feel fun in these sites anymore now... I don't like chatting and Facebook either... Even I don't like to watch daily soaps, songs, movies or anything ... nothing can cheer me up and I don't know why!
I have been suggested to concentrate on my studies but i have no interest in studies though I like that subject a lot but don't feel like studying! I will be having my exams in October but you can see how amazingly I have been procrastinating! I have tried to motivate myself but no results.
I have no friends and I don't go out. I am not being un thankful to my Almighty ALLAH (S.W.T) but you know I have no charm in my life.. My sis asked me to keep at least one or two interests in my life so that they may work as fuel when I get free after studying for long hours... I found nothing special in my life..!
and yeah, I am not suffering from any kind of depression and I'm absolutely fine Alhamdullillah! But again I would say something is bothering me and that is APATHY!
Please , help me out...! I would be so thankful to you people :) :(