I ate Taco Bell and now I feel sick?


Active member
May 11, 2008
First off for the past 2 weeks I've been on a diet and every weekend I have cheat days.
I had Taco Bell. 4 tacos, the Doritos kinda,
Woke up feeling dreadful. And sick nauseous.
Anything I should take? Or do?
Also didn't know what category to put this in
Man, I know how you feel... I have been on a diet for a month and today I had some Churches chicken and it made me sick. I've been poopin' all day and it be funky.
Ginger ale works, so does Ginger nuts apparently. Maybe you should contact Taco Bell to let them know that after you ate there you felt sick. Another cause might be that maybe you ate too much, because takeaways tend to do that.

Hope you get better.
Crackers and some gingerale should help (although if the bubbles upset your stomach you may want to wait until it goes flat first)
Do slow, easy stretches, like you would while doing yoga. Drink a lot of water, and if its really bad take something like a Gravol, but non drowsy if its during the day.