How to stop the arguing between my brothers and my mother? Its getting to intense?


New member
Nov 19, 2011
I have two younger brothers and nobody can ever have a normal conversation with them. One is 22 and the other 17. They are always arguing with our mom and talking crap about everyone else. They are horrible people. Both smoke and sell weed, never had a job, or graduated from high school, gang related and been in jail. I hate how they blame my mom for how they ended up. Saying "well you raised me this way". I know they resent me cuz im 23, working on my masters degree, always help our mom with money and never caused our mom problems. Im sorry if I decided to be a good person. My mom says she is just waiting for me to get married with my bf so she can move out with just my little sister. I wish I knew how to help them but I just want them out of our lives. Its annoying how they threatened us that they plan on getting shot and we are going to regret telling them things. A part of me wishes I could get rid of them. Because of them im rarely home.
I'm not sure if there is much you can do to stop the arguing. You cannot change your brothers. They all need to stop with the drugs and try to live better lives, but until they do that, I'm doubtful that the arguments will stop. I say keep doing what you are doing and focus on yourself.