How to stop my butt from hurting on a bike ride?


Mar 20, 2008
Today is good weather where we are and we are going out on a bike ride. When I go on a bike ride my butt always hurts and I end up pushing my bike the whole way. Please help how I can stop this because it hurts and it's really annoying!!
You could buy a squishier seat, but for the most part, people just get used to it. Once you bike ride a few times, you don't feel it anymore for the rest of the season.
Could be the saddle (seat) - it could be you. How often & far do you ride? You're probably using "butt muscles" that may not have been used in years! It takes time. Plus saddles do adjust. You can slide them fore & aft. Or tilt them nose up or down. Finding the right saddle & saddle position is like finding the Holy Grail. I found mine. It's called a Brooks B17 leather saddle.

Please note all of their saddles have NO padding, cushioning or gel whatsoever. The only part of your rear end that needs support is the "sit bones". W-I-D-E, soft, cushioned or gel saddles do NOT work. Just as soon as you sit on them, all that padding or gel flows AWAY from your sit bones & to areas of soft tissue & blood vessels causing MORE pain. See two links from the late cycling guru - Sheldon Brown...

Quote, "Leather saddles have only one advantage over plastic, but it is a big one:
1. They are much more comfortable!"

If you currently have a skinny hard saddle, try some padded cycling shorts. These have padding ONLY where padding is needed - not all over.

Go for MORE but shorter rides until your butt builds up to it.