How long will it take to lose 20 pounds with exercise and protein-rich diet?


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Hi! I'm currently 125-135? pounds and without much muscle tone except for my legs. I want to get rid of fat and reach my goal of 115 pounds, and then reach for 111 pounds. I have experience working out, but was out of the game for a while. I'm 5'5 and also vegan. If I run/go on elliptical for 20-40 minutes in the morning before breakfast, maintain a 1000 calorie high protein diet, and do weight training/aerobic activity for 40 mins in the evenings with lots of deep stretching afterwards, how long will it take to lose 20 pounds? I really appreciate your advice and welcome any reccomendations. The areas I'd like to focus on would be my hips, abdomen and butt. I love dancing for cardio, and my weight training is done w/3 pound weights, calisthenics such as pushups, situps, exercise ball moves, the plank, saxon side bend, and a mix of other midsection-focused exercises. Is it better to run in intervals for long periods of time or faster intervals in less time? thank you!
I believe exercise is the only way you can achieve you weight lose goals, I know it can be very frustrating and tiresome but you just have to hung-in there, it worth it in the end. you need to learn to push yourself.

the time it takes can depend on you effort and concentration. It took me some two and half week to loss 18pounds, offcource I had support from my fat burner appetite suppressant supplement, it really helped, read the Phen375 Review , you might find it helpfull.

good luck and stay strong.