How long is a deployment and any vacations?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I'm in the army in 13 my question is how long is a deployment? Like 12 months? my contract says 3 years and 17 weeks is my total enlistment time. is there a break in between deployments, like a vacation time? If so, how long? or when you come back from a deployment, you just come back to the base and keep living there? Anytime to go home?

Please tell me any info that is credible. My dog has heart problems and the vet doesn't think she will last more than 2 years, so I want to spend as much time with her before she comes close to dieing.
dude I know I can't take my dog with me I'm not stupid. Im talking about going home to see her. and I know that my contract is for 8 years, I'm talking about active duty. after my active duty, do I come home or do I stay on base? because my recruiter told me that after the 3 years, I'll be in the reserves if I don't extend my contract active duty.
Dude! Have you not had any conversations with your Recruiter?

Lets talk about the dog: you will not be allowed to have your dog with you in the barracks. No way!

Your contract is for 8 years - everyone's contract is for 8 years - go read your frackin' paperwork. Your active duty obligation is for 3 years, 17 weeks. The remainder of the that 8 years can be spent in one of the reserve components to include the non-drilling IRR.

You earn 2.5 days a month in leave (we don't do vacation in the Army, we do Leave). Once you have built up some leave, you can start requesting to take it, but most troops units do two or three consolidated leave periods a years when they try to get everyone to take it at the same time.

Combat deployments are now 9 months long. However, by the time you get out of the training pipeline, I doubt you will deploy to Afghanistan at all. There are no other pending combat theaters at the current time, although you could get lucky and go to Korea for a year or to Germany for three years.

The hard cold truth of the matter is that you need to say goodbye to your dog now - you will not be granted leave to go home for a pet's death.

FYI: you are not a 13B yet.