How do i make my hamster happier?


New member
Nov 12, 2008
Ever since i cleaned his cage yesterday, he just seems more bored. We put in aspen bedding instead of the total care fluff bedding and usually with the fluff we have just enough to cover the bottom, but with the aspen, i made like 5" deep with bedding so he can burrow and stuff i kept everything the same otherwise but i added a few of his toys like the chew log and i connected tubes (the lookout whitch he loves) but he just doesnt seem happy like normal. He is perfectly healthy,, today was his vet check up and he is super healthy, but isnt happy. He doesnt really chew anything but we have some logs in there for him
maybe get a wheel, new toys, or maybe a friend if you can maybe its just a lazy day for me... try taking him out and letting him run around a little probs in a small room where u can find him easily and he cant escape hope he gets happier!