Homo sapiens existed for only 200,000 years, while some of our ancestors like


New member
Sep 4, 2010
Australopithecus lived for? roughly 2 million years. We as a species have a long way to go to even tie are "less evolved" selves. At first we thought our intelligence gave us the selective advantage, but is our species really cut out to survive? 30,000 years ago we had the Neanderthals, but since they died out Homo sapiens are the last hominids on Earth. We're at the end of a line, literally...are we witnessing the end of an era here on Earth?

Because of our big brains we have big egos, but can we truly beat nature? Has science, especially the discovery of evolution and anthropological studies proven that we're not special?Not only not special but in fact we're severely flawed as we may not even make it past a couple hundred thousand years when other species have thrived for millions.

Are our politics, policies, etc reflecting this decadence?
@Cindi: I hope you're joking...
Yes, watch the US elections, they will foretell the fate of humanity. If the TP/G0P is successful in destroying freedom and the American dream, we are headed for a quick, bumpy ride to oblivion.
In the extremely long term, we cannot live on this planet forever. Though we may have plenty of time before it would become non-viable, we will probably kill ourselves in a war or something before.

Really, we have more to fear from ourselves than we do from nature. Whether that be wars over how to divide up resources, or wars over religion, or wars over land, or wars out of paranoia for the safety of our home country. Eventually one is going to become so extreme that we will die.

We could thrive for millions, but if we stick with the individual mentality that people seem to hold strong to, we probably will end up dying out. As a collective, we are extremely intelligent, as individuals, we are extremely dumb-- Just think about people not recycling, they see their waste as being so insignificant to the world that it doesn't matter. Though they then fail to see that if everyone holds that same view, you have not multiplied that same waste you produced to 7 billion times the amount.
Evolution is a lie. And Australopithecus was a monkey, not an ancestor.
Stupid people are happier than smart people and they live longer too.

Man is too smart for his own good - we have seen the systemic destruction of the very environment we need to survive - so how can we live for millions of years more?