Why are the homo sapiens letting the vile Mold taking over the world?


New member
May 24, 2011
Bacteria is presently ruling Earth. The Last of the Five Kingdoms have taken First position ousting the Homo sapiens and kidnapped them. The Mold is competing with Bacteria to oust Bacteria. In the meantime, the mold is entering houses kidnapping children and adults' body. Mold causes sleep walking, seizure, and dizziness. Mold enters wombs of women and sit on men's penis in order to enter the womb. Monera, Protists, Fungi, and the flying, crawling, and slithering vermins, which are the insects, hate homo sapiens and cause them all types of harms including homo sexualizing and making them suicidal.

Mold attacks sperm in the vagina and as well causes infertility. They love to eat sperms of homo sapiens which they called "caviar". Presently, mold introduced itself via Schreck the movie and with the help of Macy's gets every child and adult to welcome it. Every tree is overtaken by mold, which needs constant humidity to grow. Mold causes allergies that cause bout of sneezing. The people sit passively and let Mold taking over their children like Bacteria did. Antz used Hollywood zombies to introduce themselves to our kids and Mold did so. By doing so they are tolerated and Mold is using Tinker Bell and part of itself, Peter Pan, in the Mayor of New York City to establish its kingdom. This group of Molds that lives on trees is part of those that have lived on and in crucified Jews. The mold is a killer and eats people. Things that kill and eat people are not people. People do not become any of these things. The mold kills homo sapiens to go to heaven as reward and hates homo sapiens. We are all in danger including the Jews. The Bacteria that are in power have used the Jews to rule earth and now Mold is doing the same. Note that these vermins use homo sapiens that they zombified to sacrifice their children to them. They humiliate the homo sapiens by making them their zombified servants. The mold and its clique eat people that is why cemetery is full of mold, bacteria, protists, and fungi. They are kidnappers, killers, and cannibals.

Study the behavior of the terrorists, which are parasitic Jews, and you will see what the vermins of the earth that keep us hostages for millions of years according to their years that they made are. Note that they shortened years using the clouds to keep them from staying inside our bodies for too long. They want to journey inside us and not live forever inside us. They kept us for food, for utilities, and to maintain their kingdoms since they don't have hands. Parasitic people and animals that they have crucified or buried alive died, but the parasites on them and inside them are not And these are the vermins we have surrounding us daily. All the mold sitting on the trees around us came from dead people that have been crucified or buried alive or dead animals of the blood groups. They follow those that have buried them around. So all these vermins living in America are vermins from all over the world that have come from sacrificial human beings and animals. These vermins are not the people, but they hosted the people before they were sacrificed or tormented.

When mold is zombifying people, they will suffer sudden dizziness if they are awake. If they are asleep, they will not know, but they will see the mold in dreams trying to mimic people they know, but its appearance will be short. It depends. Mold isolate people that they are hunting. All mold living on trees are from people that have been sacrificed using the cross, which was made of trees. When you kill people, the people are dead but their parasites are not and their parasites are what follows the killer to hunt them and terrorize them. That is why soldiers come back home crazy from war. They carry the parasites, including the mold, back home with them on their clothes, body, and intestines.

Mold and its clique are the cause of hurricanes, tornadoes, flood, earthquakes, and even sinking of cities.
are your thoughts really this twisted or are you just looking for attention? sorry but this is a whole load of rubbish.
It is true the mold,fungi,bacteria, virus,germs,are so great in numbers that they rule the world.And if the world is destroyed in some apocalypse,they will be there to start life anew.