Gay rumors ruined my life, what should I do?!?


May 19, 2008
A rumor started in 6th grade that I am gay, it has spread all over my small town. It followed me through high school too. I could never get a girl cause they thought I was gay. I am a sensitive guy. I have been through so much crap when I was a little kid of being abused and drugged that I do have the emotions of a women, not only that but I grew up with all women so I have some mannerisms but it is so annoying. I am 20 years old and the rumor is still alive and strong even though I've never been with a guy nor do I want to. It makes me so angry. I want to lash out at everyone help. I will run into the jocks from my high school and they will call me derogatory gay names. I hate it. I am going to flip out on the next person who does that crap
It's ok, first you need to relax. Yeah those people are jerks, they shouldn't have done tht but revenge doesn't go back in time and tell them the truth. And maybe some people know your not gay and like messing with you and your anger is feeding their hunger of entertainment, only giving into what they want. You should just be chill about it and not care, you weren't put on the planet to care what other people think, this is one of many obsticales in life that you have to overcome to succeed. The point of this obstacle is to see how you will react, it's your choice. What you do results in your future. Revenge could end you up in jail. I suggest maybe starting over if it's really that bad or what I would do is just be chill about it. They want you to freak out so don't give into them, and you want a girl that will like you and that will over come what other people say and believe you so if you don't fight back with fire, everything will just go away. Relax, everythings going to be ok. This is just one of many obsticles in life, and remember, how you react to the problem is how you solve it. Surprisingly I'm only 13 and I'm saying this, but I've heard of so many stories that touched my heart about people getting to enraged by bullies that they commit suicide or go on a mused rampage, and that's not the way to go. You have a choice, this is all up to you. I hope this helped :)
Well, you are 20 years old so now to move on to the best years of your life. :)

I think you should move out of your small town. MOVE!!!

You will be so much happier. You can start a new vibrant life somewhere....

Small towns will never change their minds.... so move on.....

And good luck. You sound awesome!
I would beat the shit out of the next person calling you a derogatory term.
Have you told them your not gay? And if you have then what a sad accuse they are. Screw them, keeping a rumor alive that long, i mean EVEN IF you were gay, How dare they even say them things at all. Their just evil bastards. They don't even realize they can not only fuck someone elses life up, but literally end their life, or their own lives. Dumbasses, you really need to do something to make it clear to them that your not gay, tbh, if they are stubborn enough to where they literally wont listen to you, the next girl who asked if ur gay or calls u bad names, literally, kiss her, not just kiss but french kiss her for all i care. -.- Go lose your virginity. Or at least try to. Judge mental fuckers.
Ignore them. Also if you'd like try therapy? A friend of mine was in that situation and it helped a lot! goodluck :D
This happened to me before and i got pissed off. I decided to learn how to hack into servers or just take them down. I got into my city's official website and replaced everything with one message: i am not gay. I was sent to jail but when i was released every one gave me respect.
I'm so sorry that must suck, you should date a out of town girl, don't let them hold you down
Yup, this happened to me too. First thing I HIGHLY recommend is tell your teacher, parent, or Principal.
Most states are now prohibiting HIB (Harrasement Intimidation Bullying) illegal. Believe me, I know what it feels like, hopeless, and that if you tell the teachers, more kids will hate you. But, you gotta trust this, you will feel a whole ton of relief. You should never carry the burden of this alone. Your not the only one who's in this condition. Fight back, and prove to everyone that your not gay.