First motorcycle either Honda Rebel or Harley 833 iron?


New member
May 29, 2008
I'm tending toward the harley thinking that its slightly higher engine size will allow me to use it for a few years.

I have driven standard vehicles and bicycles so I have good knowledge of manual transmissions. And riding the bicycle long distance I do know the dangers of a small vehicle on the road. I am planning on taking a course at the local community college

the Honda looks like a nice bike but the Harley seems a bit more sturdy and would be nicer bike for daily running around town or short haul road trips.

does anyone have any pro and con opinion on which bike I should go for
I'm 49 years old so I would rather not have a tiny bike.
I am canadian too lol but like I said am tending to the harley even though its more costly I like the style..
Older harleys seemed to break down alot. However they are built alot better now. The rebel is cool looking but you will outgrow it quickly. I would recommend the 883 and later if you want more power after you have enough expierience, you could always get a 1200 kit put on. It will cost approx. 1600.00, but you will yave much more power. You can grow with the 883 but pretty much stuck with the rebel. The 883 should get you about 45 mpg.