Falling Elevator Dream - Almost?


May 24, 2008
Okay, I've read a lot of interpretations of elevator dreams - and have one several times a year. However, my varies a bit.

I will either be waiting for the elevator and when the door opens it's either too high and I have to climb in, or too low - or not there at all and is just a dark drop to the bottom.

The times when I actually get on the elevator it's as if it's not a 'box' but just a platform and this platform tilts and sways. Sometimes I have enough time to get out and sometimes I don't.

Every once in awhile there are one or two other people in the elevator with me. Sometimes the rides goes smoothly and sometimes the elevator drops.

The one I have most often is stepping into an elevator and having the floor tilt and then I climb my way out. More often than not, when standing in front of the elevator I decide not to enter with everyone else and take the stairs instead.

Thanks for all responses!