Exactly what part of homosexuality is wrong according to the Holy Homo Haters?

Homosexuality is wrong because it violates God's moral code of conduct as found in the Bible. As 1 Cor. 6:9, 10 (TEV) says: "Do not fool yourselves; people who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or HOMOSEXUAL PERVERTS or who steal or are greedy or are drunkards or who slander others or are thieves - none of these will possess God's Kingdom."
When a lesbian gets ill, and her girlfriend takes care of her, is that wrong?
When a gay guy's heart jumps a little when his boyfriend unexpectedly calls him, is that wrong?
When a gay couple opens a bank account together, is that wrong?
When a lesbian couple buys a car together, is that wrong?
Holding hands, wrong?
Etc, etc?

Exactly which homosexual acts are wrong?
If they love each other it doesn't matter if they are both male or both female.
Oh, Lord, you just opened Pandora's box! To some of them, the very fact that we exist is a problem. Of course, that is THEIR problem, because we have always existed, and we're not going anywhere.

It reminds me of a cute cartoon I saw about this. It was written like sensationalism, showing a 1950's style woman shrieking in horror as she watched them live the "gay lifestyle!!!!" Then it went on to enumerate all the shocking things these brazen homosexuals did in public. Things like
They shop for groceries!!!
They fill up their cars with gas!!!
They go to work!!!
They eat dinner, sometimes even in a restaurant!!!
And, oh no! They're doing laundry! And vacuuming!
And right there in broad daylight, mowing the lawn!!!!
Oh, the horror!

Seems pretty silly.. but that pretty much sums up my lifestyle, and that of most people I know, gay or straight.

Edit: That's not science, John. It's phony statistics and flawed logic. If you believe stupid lies like that, then there's no point in me explaining the obvious flaw in your logic; you wouldn't understand it. But most others can see it.

Redlicorish: You are being sarcastic, I hope... because homosexuality exists in most animal species. Among bonobos, almost the entire population is bisexual. All primates and most marine mammals practice recreational sex, and it's often homosexual.
All of that is wrong because it's two of the same gender, according to the fundies. The ultimate act of heresy is the sex, itself.

For shame, all you gays! Stop loving people of your own gender! Instead, force yourselves to be heterosexual, marry the opposite sex and be miserable the rest of your life. Do it for GOD!
I think as long as two people love each other, who cares what sex each of them are.
It undermines their notion of gender roles. Look at the phrasing in Leviticus: A man shall not lie with a man *as he would with a woman.* It makes them uncomfortable because they see it as "feminizing," and in their worldview, men and women have very distinct and separate traits and roles in society. Look at the slurs that get used against gay people: gay men are "girly" and lesbians are "butch." A lot of homophobes are utterly baffled by what lesbians get up to in bed, because neither of them has a penis, and therefore in their minds, they can't "have sex." On the other hand, they know full well what (some) gay men do in bed, and think it's wrong, because it's "womanly" for a man to be penetrated.

Ultimately, it's about misogyny. Men shouldn't "act like women" because it's beneath them, and women shouldn't "presume to act like men." There's a lot of that in the Bible. In the Old Testament you see a lot of it -- female children are worth less than males, a woman is ritually unclean during menses, a woman should be put to death if she was raped and no one heard her scream. It carries over in the New Testament too, thanks to Paul -- the Corinthians bit about women not being able to talk in church or teach a man (you know, that bit a certain troll around here keeps trumpeting about).

It's worth mentioning that not all Christians are like this; many of them understand the Bible within the context of the time it was written, and don't try to apply patriarchal standards to the modern era. But I think this is where a lot of anti-gay sentiment comes from: a discomfort with the way in which homosexuality messes with traditionalist ideas about gender.
I think it's the butt-secks specifically that they think is an "abomination". They usually don't mention lesbians.
I don't see why it's wrong, because a book says it, maybe? Love knows no gender and just because a man that claims to be the "one true god" says it, doesn't mean it's true. If homosexuality is wrong, then why are there homosexual pastors?
sorry G, there are no gay haters even God does not hate them, in fact he gave them Jesus so they would not be condemned by the sin they partake of--its the act, not the person since Jesus died for all sinners and that means gays, Lesbians and me too. Yet, it appears some ppl do not realize that God gave His only begotten Son--Jesus that whosoever believes (accepts Him as Lord and Savior) would not perish (die in sin not by God) but have everlasting life--eternal life. Therefore, it is not the gay, lesbian, the fornicator, the murder, the rapist, the abortionist, the drug abuser but the SIN practiced.
My Father's hate for it resonates through me; that's why.

It is an abomination, and is worthy of the pit.

God predestined us confromed to the image of His Son, Romans 8: 28-30, Ephesians 1: 4-5, 4: 13, and poop poo packers just doesn't reflect any of it. te te te te te te te te te
Just plain old lust at work, dirty lust.

Hey you want to eat some -----
You cannot rewrite the Bible to fulfill your political agenda. You are going to HELL and so are the lesbos and the faggots.
I'll use science then.

-If every person was straight, then the human race expands. If everyone was homosexual, then the human race dies.
-Why are homosexual couples 70% more likely to get a desease?
what makes it right? Also it's the fact that a lot of people feel weird about homosexuality. This may sound prejudice but it's because it goes against the nature of most living beings. You don't find gay monkey's do you? Also I don't have anything against homosexuals my best friend is a gay guy this is just what I've heard from people that have a issue with it, I'm not saying I'm all for it either though cuz I'm definitely straight.