Does the quality (price) of the HD cable that hooks up your TV to Bell...


New member
Sep 24, 2011
...Satellite effect quality of reception? These cables, I see, can cost anywhere from $20 to $140 where I am in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. My son is taking the TV and is thus taking his HD cable which he said he bought real cheap at Wal Mart.
We have bought the same TV, a 50" Panasonic Plasma HD, and am wondering if I should not 'cheap out' on this and spring for a better connection cable.
Can I expect any better reception.
I bought the TV at the Brick where they have these connecting cords from $40 - $140 yet am told that the feed from satellite is only 720pi.
I did buy a 720pi TV as someone on here told me the 1050 will not be that much different and the sales rep. at the Brick said the same thing.
Bottom line is I don't want to lose visual quality for the sake of saving $100.00
Also, if the wife isn't happy there ain't nobody happy. ;-)
Thanks in advance for your input.