Does religion make a difference in a relationship?


May 31, 2008
I've been seeing this guy and things are starting to get a little serious.. The thing is, he is a Muslim..and I was raised Catholic. I mean, religion isn't a big deal to me..but I'm unsure whether or not it is a big deal to his family. They're 100% Turkish and only speak Turkish around me..I'm Italian, so I have no idea what they're talking about and I'm unsure whether they like me or not. They're kind of cold towards me though. I've actually had several friends who have been in a similar situation as I am in now..and their boyfriends families were not fond of them..My one friend, who wanted to marry the guy, was Catholic..and her boyfriend's family was only okay with them being married if she converted to Islam (for those of you who don't know, if you're a Muslim you believe in Islam). He is very serious about me..but I don't think I could change my beliefs just to make someone elses family happy..Plus, my family would freak out. This is very serious for if anyone could give me some helpful advice I would truly appreciate it. Thanks.
It can put a small strain on it yes, but that's no reason to give up on the relationship. There are a lot of people of different religions that have gotten together and are married, so your not alone.