Does racism exist? or are to many minorities just lazy and complain to much?

Racism exists. There are still groups of people who think they are better than others simply because of racial/ethnic differences.
chances are that if obama was a old white guy he would have gotten alot less votes(i know alot of people who admitted to only voting for him due to his color). in all actuality he is an amateur in the law Business compared to the others who ran and if you haven't noticed he isn't doing a very good job. so seeing as racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. that means that voting for him due to his color is racist and he is not a very good example. and yes it does in the bad Sense that you are thinking of (racial discrimination) it is all around us but its become more of an opinion than a factor in our Society.