
  1. T

    Is AOL a thing anymore? I'm too lazy to google it.?

    Way back in the olden days there was this thing called AOL which was pretty much the only way to connect online with other people.
  2. A

    Afternoon Links: 2 Ways To Boost Energy If You’re Having a Lazy Day

    •*Lazy days*are common this year; here are two ways to pick up the speed. (FitSugar) • Peek at the contents of Sakara Life founders' fridge. (Well+Good NYC) • 6 November superfoods that you should start eating now. (HuffPost Healthy Living) • Comfort vs. advice: It's impossible to give both...
  3. A

    Feeling Lazy? New Weight Loss Surgery Is Perfect Excuse To Skip Exercise

    Good news if you're tired of all those boring salads and hours on the elliptical. Just in time for the much-hyped bikini season, there is a new surgical weight-loss procedure just for women who want to drop 25 to 50 pounds. If it sounds too good to be true, it's not. Although it has all the...
  4. A

    ADD Is Over-Diagnosed…And A Convenient ‘Out’ For Lazy Parents And Teachers

    I'm starting to wonder if it's possible for doctors, teachers and parents to diagnose kids with anything other than Attention Deficit Disorder? According to a new study, the rate that kids are diagnosed continues to increase by 5.5% each year, but are there really that many more kids with ADD...
  5. E

    Why do I feel so lazy?

    I use to love going shopping, or out with family or friends, I also love eating lol. Now all of a sudden I am too lazy to even get dressed I spend my days off at home since I am too lazy to step foot out my door. I don't go shopping as much and whenever someone calls or texts me I don't respond...
  6. S

    How do i stop being lazy?? take martial arts?

    im so pissed at myself, i procrastinate too much and its affecting my school life, and outside of school life. I have 43 credits and im in sophmore year and failed almost everyclass ive had ecept pe and auto tech. im even getting lazy for auto tech im bearly passed with a d+ and its used to be a...
  7. A

    Why do adults complain about their responsibility?? Ya'll lazy or somethin?

    I'd take responsibility & freedom any day over lack of responsibility & lack of freedom. I'm not lazy. Besides... being able to crack open a can of beer in the evening and not have to worry about it makes working all day almost seem worth it. Hahaha, funny, I'm already paying my parents bills...
  8. O

    How can I study for the quiz tomorrow if I'm too lazy?

    And to make matters worse the first lesson on my reversion list is kinda easy but I have to study for it anyway. And I have absolutely no idea what we've been studying for the past few weeks. I need to study but I have no incentive..Im waaaay too lazy. Any help? plz?
  9. T

    Video Games Used In New Treatment That May Fix 'Lazy Eye' In Older Children

    A new study conducted in an eye clinic in India found that correction of amblyopia, also called "lazy eye," can be achieved in many older children, if they stick to a regimen that includes playing video games along with standard amblyopia treatment. At the 115th Annual Meeting of the American...
  10. N

    Did the Soviet Union prove Big Government makes people lazy, especially in

    Science, Technology, Sports & Music? Gosh, those Soviet citizens clearly did absolutely nothing because they had a colossal welfare system! After all, why would anyone ever WANT to be a nuclear scientist or a world-class piano prodigy if everyone got paid the exact same thing?? Conservative...
  11. A

    im so lazy that i wanna die or what is wrong with me?

    i thought it was because i was i got a job.. then i thought it was because i didnt have a i have a GF but i still lazy and unmotivated about life.. 00.. i thought it was because i was living with my i moved by myself and still lazy and unmotivated about life...
  12. A

    It's a bit lazy of me, but 10pts for someone to finish this magazine trivia...

    ...quiz for me:? As you can probably tell, I'm incredibly bored today. I was looking at the Empire website (I'm excited for the HazPot edition, who isn't??) and decided to do a couple of quizzes. And unless I'm blind, there doesn't seem to be an answers page! Basically, whoever can rattle of all...
  13. H

    Seniors, ever seen a lazy practitioner of the martial arts?
  14. A

    Is religion for the intellectually lazy or the emotionally weak?

    The intellectually lazy do not bother to search for answers and the emotionally weak give into religion for the sake of running on pure emotions such as desperation.
  15. P

    Should SAHP who complain about their children whining and being lazy in blogs not... able to be parents? Since attitude seems to be the qualifier to hold a certain position.... LOL Isn't being a parent a far greater responsibility to a child than being a teacher? I mean, yeah, maybe she's a cruddy teacher and maybe she's just having a sucky time of things. But if we...
  16. N

    My Jack Russell is lazy?

    I have a female Jack Russell who is 8 months old. She is very lazy compared to my male male is very hyper and I run him outside like crazy to get him to calm down and he's still hyper. My female is only hyper when she comes inside from going potty or when I get home from doing...
  17. F

    mom keeps complaining that i'm "lazy", how to make her stop?

    i am 18, i go to school, do my work, study for tests and i get tired easily. when i get home, she complains that i don't do laundry, or clean. how can i make her stop complaining? i feel as if i get older, she complains more and more. I get good ~ fair grades at school and I am tired all the...
  18. I

    what does it mean if our dashund is being lazy and walking slow motion?

    my dashund is being very lazy and she has been laying down all day quiet. when ever she gets up and then goes back to her bed, she walks very slow. Her nose is dry and her eyes are getting kinda watery. What is wrong with my dashund? PLEASE HELP!!! Thank You
  19. R

    Is it OK not to feel lazy about not cooking full meals when you're single?

    I'm a university/college student and I tend to just have small but healthy snacks to feed myself: bits of fruit, salads, cereal, etc. I can cook I just find on a budget and for only one sometimes it's not worth buying all the ingredients for a whole complex meal and since it's just food for...
  20. R

    Is it OK not to feel lazy about not cooking full meals when you're single?

    I'm a university/college student and I tend to just have small but healthy snacks to feed myself: bits of fruit, salads, cereal, etc. I can cook I just find on a budget and for only one sometimes it's not worth buying all the ingredients for a whole complex meal and since it's just food for...