Does he sound interested in me? im confused?


Mar 11, 2008
this guy, we hung out and had a great time, held hands, he said he'd keep in touch with me, was very nice with me, seemed like he liked me, said he'd miss me but he's away at wisconsin now for college wont be back for another 2 months. he NEVER texts or calls me but he's known to be very shy and quiet. i asked his friend if he likes me and if hes interested in me and his friend said yes and says that he thinks we do have a chance. but i cant understand why he's not calling or texting me. if its just his shy nature or if he has forgotten about me. on my birthday 2 weeks ago he texted me "happy birthday!" only text i ever got from him and i wrote back and asked how he's doing but he hardly replies back. i wonder what's up with him? does it sound like he likes me?
If he is shy and quiet then he has trouble expressing himself. But he remembered your birthday which shows he has been thinking about you. That was sweet that he remembered something so personal as your birthday. It shows he really does like you and wants to know everything about you. He is probably just busy with college or is afraid of annoying you with texts.
He probably hates texting, some of my friends do and it DRIVES ME CRAZY when I text and text and text and don't get any reply.
Try writing a letter by snailmail, he might prefer that.
It sounds like he is interested, but he is just slack.