does anyone have any old deleted twilight fanfiction stories?

Does anyone have Past and Present by Giveusakiss413 ?!?! Would LOVE to have it.
Please send to evac610 (at) hotmail (dot) com
tryna help

i got poughkeepsie on pdf and some more

ask me at pontius(at)laposte . net
I was wondering does anyone have Lapped Traffic, Boycotts and Barflies, and Master of the Universe I and II?
I would greatly appreciate it if someone can email them to me at karimakalifa (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thank you to any who can send it.
Looking for a fic

I don't know the name of the one I'm looking for, but it is where Bella owns a cupcake shop. Edward is an author and start regularly visiting the shop. Alice works there and comes up with little sayings for their chalk board every day. Edward and Bella get together and Edward writes a book that Bella doesn't read until after it is published. And his publisher wants Bella to make a cook book. And there's a scene where Bella makes special "Charlie Cupcakes" in honor of her dad's death.

If you have this or know what it is, please send to multiplesarcasm8 (at) gmail (dot) com
Could someone please send me Poughkeepsie by MrsTheKing
I'd really appreciate it!
My email is msamushia97(at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you so much!:)
Does anyone have thr twilight fanfic Trading Services. Edward is a doctor taking care of Bella's dad
Fliberty - I sent you an invitation to my cloud storage where all of these are in pdf and maybe even in mobi format. Just let me know if there is anything else that you are looking for . ..
Can you please send me the link to The Plan thank you very much.

My email is "nancy _ abubaker (at) yahoo (dot) com"
Did you find Monster?

Hi! I was looking for Monster months, it was an amazing story but the author took it off, and I saw your comment so I was wondering if you have it ? If you do, please could you send it to my mail?
Hi, does anyone have boycotts and barflies, we're going where, welcome to drama academy and poughkeepsie on pdf?
Pls send to [email protected] :) thanks!
Hi guys does anyone have a copy of Poughkeepsie that they can email me. I haven't thought about it in aaaaages and it popped into my head last night. Don't want to read the published copy yet because it won't be the same 😢

My email [email protected]

Thanks in advanve