Describe Judaism and it's basic principles?

Horns, a small pouch of jew gold around the neck to deceive people who ask for your 'jew gold' a second, much larger pouch of jew gold around the neck which is the real jew gold.
Strict monotheism, Torah the main scripture, serving G-d and treating people well the basic principles.

This website will help.
Judaism is based on the Old Testament. Jews believe in Torah, Talmud and Psalms. They believe in all the Jewish Prophets that came before Jesus (pbuh).
answer: Zvi's link is perfect

Jewish answer: the worship of G-d and G-d alone. Studying His word in the Tanakh (which contains the Torah). Keeping His commandments (613 w/the Temple, 300 w/out the Temple). Caring for family, friends, community (which includes mandated charity). Working to repair the world (Tikkun olam) in preparation and anticipation of the Messiah/Messianic age.

there are many views because the afterlife isn't described in Judaism. Most Jews don't focus on the afterlife, we let G-d worry about that. Jews focus on the here-and-now: keeping G-d's commandments, studying Torah, caring for others and helping to repair the world.

Some Jews believe that when someone dies and they are righteous, we go to join G-d immediately. If we aren't righteous they spend a short time away from G-d.

Some Jews believe that we enter a sleep-like state until the Messiah/Messianic age and then join in the new world to come.

Some Jews believe in reincarnation until the Messiah/Messianic age or until one becomes righteous enough to join G-d.

Jews do NOT believe in an eternal torment/hell. That would not be part of the righteous plan of a loving G-d. There is NO discussion or description of “hell” in the Jewish Tanakh. Some believe the utmost in evil souls simply cease to exist