Christians: What would you think of atheists if they gathered once every


New member
Sep 17, 2011
week to sing atheist-chants? "There is no god,
faith is bullshit.
It gives me comfort,
that there's no god"

Can you see how ridiculous devotional music is?
can we buy special candles too...?
and little plastic statues of great atheists,
and special incense,
and I'm going to wear a tiny electric chair around my neck to profess my faith in torture devices.
Devotional songs are an essential part of worship.They attract the Holy Spirit which then results in miraculous answers to prayers.:applause:When is the last time you saw an atheist reporting a miracle in their life?:behave:
sounds like the devil music to me ... but im sure you love your black sabbath and stuff ..
Not really - just the topic of your "devotional song" is ridiculous.

Psalm 53:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. [...]
I like that -- "it gives me comfort that there's no god."

"No hell below us, above us only sky." -- yet another atheist chant. Imagine that!
in our atheist group we sing Kumbayha, "oh Lord, Kumbayha"

but there's no chorus 'cause there's just one of us
No skin off my nose if atheists want to gather once a week and sing -- or howl for all I care -- as long as I don't have to listen to it.

Do *you* see how ridiculous your question is?
I heard that on youtube somewhere... thethinkingathiest? Funny vids.

I always thought it funny their god was so needy he needed songs to remind him of his existence.
You guys create elaborate productions instead.

You can't watch a single episode of Planet Earth without hearing, "The wonder of evolution, the ingeniousness of evolution, through the wisdom of evolution..."

It's enough to make you throw up. If that doesn't constitute as worship, then nothing does.
atheists do gather and sing and do other things... i can't remember what other things...

i just read an article on it couple of weeks ago, about an 'atheist church.' it was somewhere here in the U.S. as i recall, i didn't actually read the whole article. it was lame.

and you're right, singing something like you posted would be ridiculous, indeed.

EDIT: okay, see, i can't remember anything. so sad... anyway, it's in London and here's a link.