Christians: In the book of revelation, How many seals do you believe jesus...


New member
Jun 11, 2008
...Christ has broken? The bible's book of Revelation predicts the end of mankind will unfold during the 7 year period of death and destruction unleashed by Jesus Breaking the seven seals. But the many troubles has already taken place forces me to think that 2 or more seals has been broken and that each seals brings destruction and misery to everybody.

How many seals do you believe has been broken?

First Seal: Beast begins his conquest

Second Seal: Nation against nation

Third Seal: Famine

Fourth Seal: 1/4 of earth dies (1.5+ billion)

Fifth Seal: Martyrdom of saints

Sixth Seal: Earthquakes, stars fall

Seventh Seal: The seven trumpets
if you think about it all of these things happen all the time people are always hungry, their is war, and earth quakes but maybe their is a double meaning to all this. im not going to worry about the end of the world though because if you beleive jesus is the christ then you have nothing to wrry about when judgments come
None, I do not believe the seven seals are being broken now, but, yes, I do believe these are the last days. The reason I say seals are not being broken is because this happens after the rapture of the Church in chapter 4 of Revelation. We believe that the Church is here on earth up until the 4th chapter of Revelation. Everything that happens after this is in the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation.

Where in chapter 4 of Revelation it says, “After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this." (Revelation 4:1) This is speaking about ‘after' the Church Age which is spoken of in chapters 2 and 3.

“The first thing after the close of the church age was the call to John to ‘come up here,' or be caught up into heaven. This has given impetus to the suggestion that the Church will be raptured before the Tribulation.
Two for sure, going on three I believe very soon.

Please refer to Matthew 24. Jesus also tells us what to watch for, signs of His Second Coming.
Jesus gives us instruction of what to look for and what to do. If we are not to be in the tribulation, then why instruct us for it? Pre Trib is not Scriptural. Too many pastors are teaching the wrong thing. please read verse 13 "For he who EDURES TILL THE END SHALL BE SAVED." what does that tell you? Then, if verse 22 he says "And unless those days were shortened, NO FLESH WOULD BE SAVED; but for the ELECT'S SAKE, THOSE DAYS WILL BE SHORTENED."
Jesus will come during the tribulation and cut it short. Then He will rapture us.