Can white wine vinegar be used in place of red wine vinegar?


May 21, 2008
In this application, you can successfully substitute white vinegar for red wine vinegar, but DO NOT leave it out......There's a reason it calls for this in the mixture of the onion marmalade.....

BTW, I don't know if you have a source to red onions, but they make the BEST "onion jam" [I use it atop grilled steaks] as the flavor profile is remarkedly different than using just white or yellow onions.....Hope this helps!!! Enjoy!!

Christopher K.
I'm following this recipe for onion marmalade ( and haven't got any red wine vinegar in the cupboard. Can white wine vinegar be used instead, or should i leave it out altogether?
Many thanks!
Yes, just slightly modify it
In your case, i would slightly reduce the amount of vinigar and add a pinch of sugar
yes you can, but white wine vinegar is milder than red wine vinegar... if you're canning/preserving just make sure the acidity is the same.
nah give it a go.its still vinegar just not red in colour, it'll only taste a lil difrent and if it doesn't work then hey at least u tried it.