Can I get into Northeastern? I'm a hs senior. Any predictions and insight...


New member
Jan 22, 2011
...would be greatly appreciated!? SATS-
Critical Reading-750
GPA: 3.7 (drastic increase each year)
More detail: I had to overcome learning disabilities so I was in special classes for a while. Over the years, however, I tremendously progressed and last year I took honors English, and this year I am taking honors English again and honors Calculus. only 3 honors classes total, but I have a very unique situation. my 'recommenders' are all aware of my 'success journey'. I did over 60 hours of volunteer work at a hospital and at a program for disabled people. I have worked so hard to be where I am now, and aim to reach my full potential! :)

thoughts please! and 10 pts best answer, i promise!!!!
lol okay i quickly clicked submit and then realized i placed my question in the wrong category. i do not know how to change it, but please cut me some slack here guys. I am only human and am capable of error just like the rest of you. and just to clarify, i am talking about the Northeastern in Massachusetts. I'm so nervous about the decisions, so you guys are helping me! thanks so much! keep posting please! <3
someone asked about the type of high school i attend. it is public, but has a very strong reputation.
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You posted in the Senior Citizens section? If you can't even tell the difference between high school seniors and senior citizens, then I highly doubt that you will be accepted.

Edit: I see your edit. I forgive you but it is still funny. About your question - yes, I think you have a good chance as long as your personal statement is good.
GPA - 3.6
SAT- 740 Math 660 Writing 600 CR

HS- all honors courses, No AP

You have a good chance. You might also recieve big grants, your scores seem good enough. I went in for business though, and I took an SAT II for math, one of them, can't remember. I also went to a private school, did you come out of public?