Can I get AIDS from swimming in a pool with negroes?

I can't believe you are asking this.! Grow up and stop hating towards black people.! And yes you see a few effin movies so you effin thinnk we will still shyt from you.! You white people get on my nervese when you so stupid shyt like this.! You guys make me hate a apart of me because of this.! You need two grow up and stop acting stupid.!
You don´t have AIDS. You have cronic stupidity. Maybe your IQ is arround 7 or 6
you need an iq around 20 to be alive i'm pretty sure. first of all the guy was making a racist joke, do you really think he was serious? most of those posts sounded just as dumb as the first one because you all are ignorant in your own way. and ps i do worry about black people breaking into my car at night, stealing my bike, and raping my girlfriend.. yes thats not nearly all of them and white people do that do. But where i am now this is the only real threat that i have to worry about. so the only thing that is going to change that is changing the fact that the more "hood" they are the more respect they get, which is a never ending cycle..
OMG amazing i am actually crying , You most certainly have aids ,:big laugh:

Class 1 retard

Loooooooool^^ Ijust can't take this question serious^^^^^^
Muaaaahhhahhhhaaaaaaah! :p
What did you @ schooool? hahaaaaaaa
Can I get AIDS from swimming in a pool with negroes? I was at the pool today, and a black family got in. I immediately got out and checked inside of my shoe to see if they stole my wallet or phone. A few minutes later, my eyes got all red and watery. Did they give me the AIDS?

Probably got ur wallet stolen since u were so dumb to leave it, but aids require sex which i doubt ur gettting.
yup u gonna die. whites are bleached clones so shut up and us whites stink we smell like wet dog and fuck dogs and monkies. we are da new niggas y we talking we are white trash
u cant get aids from swimming in a pool with blacks they dont swim
wow u must be really retarded or something!
All races can be infected with AIDS so maybe u need to stop swimming in public pools all together.
Please go and read a book or something, if u can read, cuz u clearly know nothing of the disease.
why on earth would you such a question for?
you white people are racist is just black skin not different from human
what would say if you saw a person who's skin colour is green.... eeergh he is green...
no i dont think so grow man you guys dont have a life
I am not racist but...I have done my research and you negros brought this shit here to us...then we got it because back in the slave days the pigs that owned slaves fucked them!!! :moonie:
Ugha Bugha

I have aids... And i really love it... Everyday i wake up with it and a swimming pool with black people...
Aids is good:D
u tlkin fuckin stupidness asshole if u dont kno were AID's hush ur cunt...............:moonie::moonie:
yes my friend, you got the virus AIDS.
I'm sorry, but NO black person does not have the virus... ;( so sad may u rest in peace.:bad: