Can I get AIDS from swimming in a pool with negroes?


well technicly you could. If one of the negros had aids and a open wonde and you had an open woond and some blood came in you would have a chance of geting aids. Now this has nothing to do with them being negros but the awnser is yes yes you could.
why are americans such dumb fucks!!! Black people can't give you aids unless they already have aids
i am white and i love black people. i don't know who you are that started this but you should be ashamed of yourself you white shit
i am outraged at this comment stop being so ignorant and fix up yourself hiv can only get transfered if you have sex with someone who is diagnosed with it or if you have a blood transfusion go to school and learn something you fucking idiot i hate people like you !
can i get aids from swimming in a pool with negroes? I was at the pool today, and a black family got in. I immediately got out and checked inside of my shoe to see if they stole my wallet or phone. A few minutes later, my eyes got all red and watery. Did they give me the aids?

look foo y u gatta be races no u cant get aid unless thy gat aids nd u gatta cut so instead of makeing a fukin war nd being disrespectful to other races i sugest u shut the fuk up nd check ur self for aids if u want to but u cant get aids from a black family unless ur ass already had it nd if u wanna tell me something races jus to let u no ima mexican nd im proud to let u no ppl like u discuzz me!!!!!
fuckiin foool!

Fuuckk you, you rasisit cunnttt!
Whyy would you even think thaaatt? Fuckkin twat!
Listen to yourselves...!

You all need some kind of education becuase none of you can spell or even type for that matter. Not only that but most of you are completly ignorant and racist!! Get your head out of the sand and come and live in the 21st century, not the 18th!! :mad:
you are fucking ignorant. go die. why the hell do you think you can get aids from swimming in a pool with black people. fucking retard. you do have aids from your fucking smutty ass mother bitch.
yeah... sorry to tell u but ur gona die of super aids soz dude...
you mother fuckers, black peoples are better than any of u spoiled white trashes.
this is a very ignorant question. you can not get aids by swimming in the pool with an african american. racism is still alive i see!! how would you feel if i said a white man touched my hand and a few seconds later it started itching. so he must have gave me something because he is white. whoever you are you need to learn about what aids is and how it is contracted. smh at the stupidity you people come up with. checking your shoe to see if they stole your stuff. that is so dumb. they probably got more than you so they dont need to take your stuff. some people need to stop being so ignorant and open your eyes to the world around you. "racism still alive they just be concealing it"
if ur asking that question u probably already have it! stupid ass! shut the hell up and stop being ignorant! go to skool and LEARN about wut it is if ur really r that concerned!

You're telling someone to go to school with spelling like that? Hypocrite.
yo niqquh dat really hurt mah feellinzz, idk were u geet dis shit bt it ainnt kewll niqquh, wwat teh heeel yo izsue niqquh, fuck.:mad:
:3_8_14[1]: Stupid. yes u got it.

Ur a stupid... grow up and try be something..... ive sure that they are very much better than u..........
and i hope u become AIDS>>>>>>
u are more stupid than him.....

You're telling someone to go to school with spelling like that? Hypocrite.

If u don't know there is a place for every type of writing. and on the Internet is totally acceptable that kind of writing. The colloquial type