Can I be a minor and buy a car?

I would just shoot her, seems she is trying to torture you.

I would say the whole "Now this is why women should not be let out of the kitchen" but nah it gets old quick.
I bought a used car when I was 17. Put the title IN YOUR DADS NAME. Trust me, it will save you lots on insurance. If you really want your own car, just change the name of the title when you are older and insurance will be less of a bitch
^ u know what else saves money,
when u and the guy ur buying from are filling out the title transfer
u fill in the selling price much lower than the actual price
that way u pay less sales tax, when u register it
OP no offense but i believe you and your brother were mistakes. the reason why she has wrecked so many is because she is a woman. she doesn't seem fit to be a parent.
yes you can sign the contract and buy one but most sellers will not let you unless you have a co-signer within legal age. The reason being is that if they let you sign you can void out of the contract and anytime because your a minor. For example if you drove it for a year you could take it back and get full moneys worth.
My car -- $200 + brakes + headers to cat = $800 total. :)

I get about $500 a week at work. You must have been mowing lawns in the hood, or some shit.

And if you buy a used car sold by the owner, you shouldn't have a problem. You'll need a cosigner from a dealer, though. Just call your DMV and ask to be sure.
Actually, it's cause all the farmers need help during harvest and planting from their kids.
I dunno man, from the time i was 15 to 16, i had made about $5000 in paychecks alone, not including tips.
And i blew it all on stupid shit :crash:
This year, i got a raise, and bought a motorcycle in march for $1300, spend $500 on gear and insurance, and now ive got about $250 left, and payday is next week. If you can stand them, restaurant jobs are FTW.