Can an F on a quiz render it impossible to earn a A+ average?


New member
Jul 7, 2008
I just cannot allow the tears to cease falling from my eyes. I am in 8th grade, and am in a 10th grade Geometry class. This year has been very difficult for me academically. In Geometry, I have been receiving B+'s and A-'s, yet I have A's/A+'s in all of my other subjects. I thoroughly understand Geometry, but my issue is always concerning time. I am ALWAYS the last one to turn in my assignment. However, on my quiz today, I only completed 2/3's of my quiz. I know that everything I put down is 100% correct, but my score is already below passing! Hell, an A- is already bad enough for me! This is my first F this year, and I can not help but weep. I planned on finishing middle school on a high note, with all A+'s, but I'm not sure if doing so is mathematically possible.
First, calm down. You don't know yet that 2/3 is going to be an F. Teachers often curve grades, and students who completed the whole exam may not have scored any better than you did.

Next, you need to be more realistic in your expectations (and those of your parents). When you apply to colleges, they are going to see that you were taking a 10th grade class in the 8th grade. They like students to take risks like that , and are just as impressed with a A- or B in a class like that as they would be with an A+ in an 8th grade math class.

You might talk to your teacher about the time problem. Math is a skill, and like any skill, you get better (and faster) with practice. It may be that you need to work more problems at home to be faster doing them on the tests.