
  1. G

    Impossible material made by Uppsala University researchers

    A novel material with world record breaking surface area and water adsorption abilities has been synthesized by researchers from Uppsala University, Sweden. The results are published today in PLOS ONE. The magnesium carbonate material that has been given the name Upsalite is foreseen to reduce...
  2. A

    Is being Hilary Clinton wrong? My impossible hypothetical says so?

    Homosexuality is anti procreation. "Logically speaking, if everyone’s sexuality was expressed heterosexually, then humanity will survive and perpetuate our own kind for generations to come. But simply put, if everyone’s sexuality was expressed homosexually, we would go extinct. Therefore...
  3. G

    Radiation Makes a Manned Trip to Mars Impossible with Current Tech

    Though Curiosity the rover can explore and see Mars up close, curious men and women of Earth will have to wait a bit longer. NASA reports that a manned trip to Mars is likely impossible with current technology because of radiation. Read more...
  4. Y

    Can an F on a quiz render it impossible to earn a A+ average?

    I just cannot allow the tears to cease falling from my eyes. I am in 8th grade, and am in a 10th grade Geometry class. This year has been very difficult for me academically. In Geometry, I have been receiving B+'s and A-'s, yet I have A's/A+'s in all of my other subjects. I thoroughly understand...
  5. J

    Eating/Shredding Bodybuilding.. impossible question?

    I feel like if I don't get atleast 2 good meals before I workout during the day I wont have enough energy to lift big maybe just cardio.. I workout 6 times a week barely binge and eat all healthy.. I do see that I am getting bigger but Im trying to get abs too not just the stocky.. do I have to...
  6. T

    why is it impossible to find a Mexico Soccer White/Kelly Green Headliner...

    ...Snapback Adjustable Hat? Every website i visit to find this hat says that they don't carry it anymore. I don't get it no matter where i go they don't have it. Why don't they have it anywhere is it like a special hat that had only a certain amount made or something? I really want to get it...
  7. H

    MMA Coach wants me to fight at 145 in a couple months, I feel it's impossible to...

    ...gain weight? I'm currently 135.. I've come along way, as I was only 117 when beginning my training 7 months ago. For the past couple months I've been trying to put on 10 more pounds. During the day I'll weight in around 136.. at night around 139 (I know I shouldn't be checking everyday, but...
  8. B

    x is a seven letter word x is above god, next to impossible, what is it?

    it was an I A S exam question
  9. T

    Just rented Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Never seen any of the movies.

    Should I watch the others first? Will I be lost if I haven't seen the others with Tom Cruise? Or are they all independent of one another?
  10. J

    Webcam is very blurry/fuzzy impossible to make out picture?

    my friend's laptop webcam works, but only technically. the picture everywhere I've tested it, (skype,, etc) shows picture but it's insanely fuzzy and pixelated. I can technically make out her face, like I know it works, because I can see a face moving, but it's so pixelated and...
  11. C

    How do you do Impossible quiz #34?

    How do I do this one ???? It's hard
  12. S

    When will Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol come out for Blue-Ray?

    When will it be out for DvD?
  13. S

    When will Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol come out for Blue-Ray?

    I just watched the movie and i really liked it so i wanted to know about when it will come out blue-ray?
  14. M

    the "Impossible" mp3?

    Can anyone help me find a downloadable mp3, mp4, or flv of Synthetik FM's song "Impossible"??? I've been looking everywhere, and I just can't seem to find it, not even on youtube!! It doesn't make sense to me...
  15. N

    Whats the answer to question 16 on the andriod version of the impossible quiz?? ?

    Its not "h" that's the phone version. Its about summating all the numbers u can see....?
  16. L

    if nothing is impossible...?

    if nothing is impossible then is it possible for something to be impossible
  17. K

    Please help with the impossible quiz question 84!!!?

    I have been trying and trying and searching for help but I cant find anything! People say to use the stars as guidance but I don't get it! Please help! Thanks -KittyKat
  18. O

    Impossible Riddle "are you smart enough?"?

    RIDDLE. "if you have two and need three, you will have four---if you NEED three and HAVE two, you will have one---if you have one and need one, you will have NONE*****what am I?
  19. A

    Why do people claim that it's impossible for particles to travel faster...

    ...than the speed of light? I don't understand the physics behind this. Why do people claim going faster than the speed of light could allow sending information back in time?
  20. M

    Isnt time travel impossible?!?

    I mean like come on if it was possible we would have had time travelers already since with time travel you could go in to our time or the past or the future