Calling all Audiophiles! Calling all Audiophiles!?


Active member
May 14, 2008
Ok I've got a couple of Questions for you guys. More like competitions acutally.

- Skullcandies(ear buds) vs Apple headphones
- Skullcandies(ear buds) vs Sennheiser( ear buds)
- Apple I-home VS cheap yet not that cheap computer speakers(no subwoofer)
- Pandora vs Last FM
- Computer speakers ($50) Vs A sterio System ( 50-60 bucks)
4 weeks ago
Additional Details
Answering this Question in this form will earn you 10 points and a thumb up from me.

- This wins
- This wins
- This wins(barely)
-This wins
- This wins (landslide)

1. Explanation
2. Explanation
3 and so on.
Thumbs down for you free.. :)
Sennheiser definitely beat Skullcandy, which is very poor value in terms of audio quality for the money you pay.

A sterio system will normally beat computer speakers, but you'd have to pay more like $80. In the $20-50 price range most of your money goes on design, shipping, storage and material costs of the sterio system rather than actual sound quality, which you begin noticing around the $80 mark and above.

Apple I-home will probably give better sound than cheap computer speakers, but costs around 10 times the amount. Why not buy computer speakers at half the price of the Apple which will give the same if not better sound quality?

My advice: if you want decent (but not audiophile for your budget) sound quality, buy a nice pair of headphones (not skullcandy) and use them through your computer.

The thumbed down answer above me is right. None of what you listed is audiophile quality. To approach that you are looking at around $300 and completely different brands like Cambridge Audio (for CD players and amplifiers) and AKG (they make good headphones). Other good headphones brands: Grado, Audio Technica.