Bodybuilding if i do daily 5 hours intead of 1 hour, will my body shape get


New member
Mar 3, 2013
rapid changes? Basically 1 hour is daily recommended. But i want to have my body shape quickly by increasing daily workout to 5 hours (repeating the same routine over and over having some breaks but doing full 5 hours per day).

Will that make any differences for to have rapid/quick changes in my body shape? Compared to do 1 hour a day? (my routine has 7 days and only weekend is less but other 5 days full rush).

any professional/skilled/experienced persons suggestion would be really appreciated.

Training for longer than 1 hour causes a rise in the muscle-burning hormone cortisol and a reduction in the muscle-building hormone testosterone. So it's counter-productive if you train for longer than an hour unless you are taking steroids and testosterone boosters. Then there's also over-training and the risk of injuring your muscles greatly increases. Remember you break down muscle in the gym, then in the 72 hours after, it repairs and becomes larger if you eat enough calories and protein too. It's the time recovering which matters, not how long you spend in the gym. You can easily do 10-12 sets per muscle group once a week and make very good gains.

After awhile of working out, you get less muscle soreness so you'll eventually be able to workout each muscle group twice a week, still making sure you don't train each muscle group within 2-3 days. So you could hit chest and triceps on Monday, then hit it again on Friday. But obviously, never train if the muscle you plan on training is sore.

If you recover quite well and so able to train each muscle group twice a week (some can be trained once like shoulders), then I recommend a workout similar to the one below. If you aren't able to do this, then each muscle group once a week in a 3 day push-pull-leg split is still good (for example; chest, shoulders and triceps is the push workout, back abs and biceps is the pull workout and legs is the remainder). So here's my current workout, each of which are never longer than an hour;

Monday - Chest and Triceps
Tuesday - Back, Abs and Biceps
Wednesday - Legs and Shoulders
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Chest and Triceps
Saturday - Back, Abs and Biceps
Sunday - Rest

Remember, do about 10-12 sets per muscle group of 6-12 repetitions, making sure you train to failure on each set. Do about 12-20 reps per set for legs though. Make sure you stretch after each workout to minimise muscle soreness and risk of injury. Also eat a small calorie surplus everyday (around 300 to 500 calories more than your maintenance amount) AND at least 0.8 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight. Both of these are very important.

Take my advice and you will make good gains! Good luck!