Bodybuilding diet knowledge?


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Hi guys/gals, I am really interested in bodybuilding but I can't get myself around the dieting. I have worked out regularly for 2-3 years and have a descent muscular build, but my body fat is too great and therefore I have no definition. My actual goal is to get like Zyzz, without the steroids of course, and if possible without supplements as well. But as I said, I can't get around the diet concept i.e. the balance between calories, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and how much do I have to take a day. In fact the only thing I understand from the nutrition charts are the calories and that's just scratching it. I am short of money and don't want to go an waste my $ on books that would be helpless. I got the workout concept by reading "Visual Impact" by Rusty Moore, he explained the difference between Sarcoplasmic and Myofibrillar Hypertrophy and how to workout for each. Although I am still confused on how to work for Volume, Mass, Strength, etc.. So if you guys could set me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. And if you guys could tell me how many days and hour a week would I have to workout to achieve a body like Zyzz's I'd be so thankful. Thank you all who help.
Thanks for the advice Nick and your website or youtube page is really good too.
And Giliman, I'd be happy to answer your questions but I don't think you have your e-mail in your profile. How about if you send me an email and we'll go from there?