Best way to stop my feral kittens from (play) biting me?


May 14, 2008
I took in two feral kittens about 5 weeks ago and finally got them tamed. But now when I mess with them, they bite like crazy (not that hard though). I know they are just trying to play, but what's the best way to discourage a feral kitten from doing this without traumatizing it? My friend suggested tapping their nose when they bite and snapping my fingers. It worked for her Bengal cat (he was really bad, destroyed a lot of furniture) but when I try it on my kittens, they will "attack" me by grabbing on with their claws and not letting go, proceeding to bite harder. They only do this to me, as i'm the only one they will let get close them. I clip and file their nails (they are indoors) so im not worried about getting scratched, just the biting. I've also been getting up and walking away when they start biting (like a mother or playmate would do) but they still are getting worse. They are about 11 weeks old so maybe they might just grow out of it?

Any tips would be great.