
  1. R

    Best way to stop my feral kittens from (play) biting me?

    I took in two feral kittens about 5 weeks ago and finally got them tamed. But now when I mess with them, they bite like crazy (not that hard though). I know they are just trying to play, but what's the best way to discourage a feral kitten from doing this without traumatizing it? My friend...
  2. P

    My 12 week old Puppy keeps on biting!!?

    We have A Bedlington Terrier cross jack russell called Poppy, Shes a Girl. But the Problem is she Keeps on Biting And its starting to get Really annoying!! When she does bite we tap her on the nose but then she just bites back!!! Please does anyone know any techniques to stop A Puppy from biting?
  3. M

    Clothing that keeps biting bugs at bay

    [No message]
  4. D

    Do people today only know Mike Tyson for biting Evander Holyfield's ear?

    seriosly the man was actually good at boxing. but when i talk about him, people automatically imitate biting an ear off. what dumb f***s they are.
  5. A

    New cat introduction: My original cat is biting my new cat's neck, is this hostile?

    I have an almost two-year-old male neutered cat, neutered before sexual maturity and front-declawed. We adopted a neutered, reportedly 2-year-old (but much smaller and acts more kitten-like) male cat from a shelter. We've been carefully keeping the two cats apart and introducing them for...
  6. K

    One of my fish is being a bully and biting off part of another fish's...

    ...tail. Will that part grow back? Just wondering if he'll be okay or not. Is there anything I can do about the bully fish besides remove him or putting a net in between them?
  7. V

    tell me extensively about Daschund.He greets by biting softly.I need to know...

    ...of his exact behavior pattrens.? I have this daschund for six months now.But he is always biting my fingers every time I play with this dog.i have no clue.Till now I am feeding him with fresh foods only which does not contain meat.I give him milk and wheatflour and the cooked vegetables.He...
  8. C

    What happens to players that argue/fight back against coach that's biting their...

    ...head off? Like for example, the manager is pissed off, cause the club let a goal in the first half of the game. Then a player argues back at him. What can the manager do for revenge?
  9. S

    How to get puppy to stop biting?

    My family has a 8 month old golden retriever puppy, named Apollo. He almost never bites my dad and mom but he bites me and my siblings very often. We tell him "No!" and grab him by the muzzle but he usually just gets angrier. Any tips on how to get Apollo to stop biting and quick?
  10. B

    How to stop 10 week old puppy from biting?

    my 10 week old chihuahua poodle mix marley is always biting everything from fingers, toes, to furniture. how do i get her to stop doing this, the biting is starting to hurt.
  11. S

    Our puppy won't stop biting!!!!??? Lol?

    So we got a Peagle, not a Beagle, but a Beagle, mix of a Pekinese and a beagle, so... it WAS really calm when we got her at 8 weeks old... and now she's about to be 9-10 weeks old, she is still calm, but then she started play biting, and now she's getting vilent... we put her in her cage...
  12. K

    Could a ferret biting when meeting a new ferret be good?

    I dont know if he is trying top play. we keep them both on harnesses. THe boy bites at my lil girl and idky or if this is good or bad. please help me expecially if you have experience.
  13. M

    How do I stop my cockatiel from biting me and other people?

    My cockatiel likes me but bites me sometimes and bites other people a lot, to the extent that nobody in my family really likes him except me. How to I get him to be a bit friendlier?
  14. H

    Pain when biting on food that can last up to ten seconds. Recently had a

    bit of a big cavity dentist prof help? Ok so I got 3 fillings done, one of them was a big one 3 surfaces and had a old silver filling on it. Well I had biting problems with it before and my dentist filed it down. Now that fixed the "bite" issue where it hurt a little but it didn't fix the biting...
  15. M

    How do I stop my dog from biting?

    Okay, so I have a puppy and he won`t stop biting me. I tried the technique where you say "OUCH!" really loudly, but he doesn`t seem to care. Then I tried flicking his nose with my fingers. Nothing. He also has a bone that he can practice his teething. He prefers us rather than his bone. Help!
  16. J

    Why did I post 4 questions about back biting and gossiping and here comes another

    ignorant sister, saying? more crap isn't that special!
  17. S

    Back biting gossip.....?

    I need to know if you back bite is there forgiveness we all talk about accidentily about other some times when i do it accidentily mentioning someones name in good way or bad way i get so worried because my mom tolld me there no forgiveness for it unless i asked he or she to forgive me than i...
  18. S

    How can i stop my puppy biting?

    I have a puppy, she is a 12 week old pedigree springer spaniel. most of the time she is the sweetest thing but sometimes she just goes mental biting, the more i try to stop her the more she will bite, so end up having to lock her in her cage to protect myself and my kids until she calms down, i...
  19. W

    Why does my dog gizmo keep biting at the same place and whimpering?

    I have treated him for fleas even though i dont think that is it because he is only biting at the one spot. He also keeps crying and whimpering. I am scared he is a 15 year old and i am not ready to let him go. What should i do???
  20. J

    Why isn't biting allowed in MMA?

    To me ultimate fighting is about putting two men in a cage and they try to be the last man standing by any means necessary, I can see not being allowed to bite a guys neck or eye gouging or whatever but you should at least be able to bite a guys buttocks and fingers. It would be pretty awesome...