banning intelligent design from being discussed in public schools,fascism?


Mar 18, 2008
Teaching only one side of the coin , makes young minds robotic! A good debate on both sides of the question that has driven modern man to almost extinction , is a good , free, justifiable way to LEARN the truth. What do yous think?
Nope not fascism but just science. And FYI it is not a debate when science is 'debated' along side faith. Let's debate other things in this day and age, not science.
"Intelligent Design" is NOT 'one side of the coin', it is religion....or at least it THINKS it is....

Any sane Christian who stopped to think about it for two seconds, however, would conclude that what proponents of ID are REALLY saying is that they believe "God" is smart enough to have designed Life, the Universe & Everything, but that He is just too dumb to have come up with as elegant a mechanism as evolution to do it....and they are ALSO therefore making "God" 100% responsible for nature's imperfections and errors...

Did God "Intelligently Design" the Guinea worm*?

*Look it up if you do not already know
If intelligent design should be taught anywhere in public schools, it should be taught it a theology class, NOT in a biology class. Unless more evidence appears to support its claims, ID should not be taught as a fact.
Intelligent Design is Religious Dogma not Scientific work and does not belong in a Science class.

However I would support the right of a school to have classes in Religion that present Intelligent Design as part of a Religious Studies Class.

Just do not attempt to pass of Intelligent Design as Science, because it is not.
Intelligent design is not the other side of the coin from evolution--it is apples and oranges. Evolution is science. Intelligent design is religion. It would be OK to discuss in a comparative religion class, not a science class.
the school's job is to teach English, Math, Science, History. The only thing science has to explain our origins is a century plus old theory that the author recognized as flawed. but that's all they've got. It is the family and the church's job to teach the rest. I really wouldn't want the schools in change of that anyway.
You are right.......we should also teach in History Class the possibility the Holocaust never happend...after all there is compelling theories brought forward to demonstrate it. You want both sides of the coin right?

Obviously I am not being serious....I would never advocate holocaust denial as its ridiculous but so is teaching Intelligent Design. Intelligent Design has no scientific basis so why should it be taught in a science class? Science class teaches the how no the never touches upon the idea of a creator or lack of creator. Intelligent design is for a philosophical discussion and thats where it should be.

p.S I DO NOT DENY the holocaust....just trying to draw on an analogy.