
  1. A

    Night Owls Are More Intelligent (Maybe) But Perform Worse At School

    A study shows that night owls perform worse at school than morning people, but not because they're any less intelligent. More » Night Owls Are More Intelligent (Maybe) But Perform Worse At School is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes...
  2. B

    Please explain Bell's Theorem to an intelligent high school senior?

    Assume I know very little because I rather the answers be on the over-explained side.
  3. C

    What testable predictions has intelligent design made that can be confirmed through

    experimentation? Because this is the prerequisite for something to be considered science. Until it does such it's a hypothesis at best. So, if it has not done so, then what testable predictions can it make that can be confirmed or falsified by experimentation? Some here have demonstrated that...
  4. C

    Atheists: Why do Jews practice Judaism if they are the most intelligent

    "race" according to IQ tests? 1) Jews 2) East Asians 3) Western Europeans You seem to think that the higher someones intelligence the less they need to believe in God; how do you explain Jews? Source: -Any modern psychology textbook *If you are not going to answer the question don't post here---
  5. G

    Watch This Adorable Horde of Intelligent Swarm Robots Play Piano

    Sometimes robots can be better than humans at playing instruments. Sometimes they're just cooler at it. This herd of little swarm robots—which divvy up the playing between themselves automatically—is the latter. More »
  6. G

    Akamai Aqua Ion delivers integrated, intelligent front-end optimization

    New web acceleration service builds on top of Akamai's dynamic web acceleration capabilities, introducing a new way to layer and intelligently apply a comprehensive set of optimizations, including front-end optimization (FEO), as well as third-party and mobile-specific enhancements.
  7. A

    What is the sport for intelligent people?

    according to this article ,chess was still considered as a game for the intelligent persons but not the best sport ,what do you think the best sport for intelligent people?
  8. G

    Obese Mothers Give Birth to Less Intelligent Children [Science]

    Not all people are born equal. In fact, new research suggests that if a child is born from an obese mother, it is likely to have significantly lower cognitive function compared to a child from a mother of a healthy weight. More »
  9. G

    Interesting Intelligent Design and Evolution Spat Going On

    Mike Haubrich, of Tangled Up in Blue Guy blog, has documented a discussion between a biologist, a commenter, and the Discovery Institute (a creationist "think" tank). No apes were harmed during this incident, but one of them may be rather embarrassed. It's quite intresting, have a look...
  10. D

    What branch of the military generally has the most intelligent people in it?

    When I think of the Air Force, I think of more "upper class" or educated people as opposed to the stereotypical meat heads of the Army, Marines, etc. Maybe I'm completely wrong, care to enlighten me?
  11. H

    Atheists, why do you like to imply Christians aren't intelligent if you believe in

    evolution? Darwin was Christian, so if Christians aren't intelligent, why believe his theory? Figured I should add I'm a evolution believing Christian, and not because my Church says it's OK. I am happy though that my church is sensible enough to realize you can believe in God and evolution at...
  12. O

    Now Christianity is nearly dead in the intelligent world, what will be the... religion to fade and die? @Clubdelady: Um, I think you need to study your flags a bit better. What gives you the impression I'm from Australia? I'm from England. I've spent a lot of time in Australia thought, love it. If you're American you are in no position to criticize.
  13. V

    One Cool Feature: Honda Intelligent Multi-Information Display And Rev Indicator

    When Seyth Miersma had a brief taste of the Civic Si in Washington, DC over the summer, he remarked on the rather cool Intelligent Multi-Information Display, or i-MID display and the new Rev Indicator. These two items flank the digital speedometer (Rev Indicator on the left, i-MID on the right)...
  14. T

    Intelligent personal Assistant software for mac?

    Im looking for a software like siri basically for my mac. I want something that when i speak to it, it will know what to do. I have searched all over the internet and haven't found anything other than macs speech recognition program. I need something that when i say schedule something in my...
  15. J

    why is the internet the only place to meet intelligent people?

    yet it is terribly lonely as well, i realise its only amachine
  16. O

    If Intelligent Design is true, why did God make Bats the only flying Mammals?

    PLEASE NOTE: Copying and Pasting Bible passages will not be tolerated and will be thumbed down immediately, and I ask my fellow Atheists to do the same please. Christians need to learn that quoting the Bible is NOT an acceptable way to answer "difficult" questions.
  17. B

    an interesting question for intelligent people... who might appreciate it.

    (social networking)? is it normal human behavior to indulge in online social networking? I sometimes resist because I feel in a way it... __ _ _ _ _ ... I don't know the word for it. Disconnects? maybe not, alienates?, maybe.. Confuses! yes that's about right. It confuses.. what does it...
  18. W

    Ladies: Beyond sex, what truly makes a woman interesting for an intelligent man?

    I have been annoying that many women complain that men ONLY interest in sex, not relationship. Now, from a scientific view point, I ask the above question, NO pun intended. (For those who believe in intelligent Tests: on average, Men have 5 IQ points above women, and 15 pts in Visual-Spatial...
  19. N

    Most Intelligent Cartoon,The Simpsons

    Happiness and The Simpsons DVD is his genius to transform a traditional, Middle American values and True Blood DVD them upside down. It shows that American country really is, without guilt or remorse, and that is why we love it. Entourage DVD This is a bold, original, honest show that is...
  20. K

    I need to sound intelligent when I argue?

    Every time some puerile person starts to argue with me, I sound really dumb. So I need some big words to out smart them! Ooh and give me some good come-backs.