Atheists,why complain about grammar?


New member
May 24, 2011
Why not? We get abused for not believing in one religion or another, for being rational, for accepting science and theory over belief and superstition, and for showing an interest in religion because religion affects us all whether we believe in it or not. And, we also get equally abused if our grammar is not up to par. Could you imagine the responses an atheist would get if he or she were to ask a question like this:

Hey Cristans! Why yews beleilve in Jaysis? Don't yews no that we athiests are smarters?
We are not writing an official letter to Queen Elizabeth.
be casual, relax.....ooooooossssssaaa. inhale......oooooosssssaaa,exhale....stretch your arms and when i count to2 and 1/2 abuse me
We presumptuously thought you might like to know the error.of your ways, which is possibly the bigest reason atheists come here at all...
Mostly, we are not complaining, we are laughing. We are pointing out that the use of English in some questions and answers is so poor, that it is clear that the writer is either very young or very ignorant.

These things go together. The most incoherent writing with the worst grammar usually comes from creationists and it is an indication that the writer is incapable of "joined - up" thinking though youth, ignorance or stupidity. Sometimes all three. .
Because it makes you look uneducated. Is that what a christian really wants to promote? More reasons for us to think you are uneducated imbeciles?
One person writes a question; dozens, or even hundreds will read it. There are more readers than writers, so the writer should make things as easy as possible for the readers, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.

That said, you should excuse the occasional error on this site, as questions can't be edited afterwards like answers can.
Correct spelling and grammar shows respect for the reader.

We shouldn't have to try to interpret what a question is trying to ask.
If you want a question treated with respect then first you have to respect the reader.
I'm a speed reader... there's no way I can read, let alone understand, some of the nonsense we get here cos it just doesn't make any sense.

"We are not writing an official letter to Queen Elizabeth."
LuLz... cos many of you couldn't write well enough to entice her to read it.

I don't blame you - I blame teh education 'system'.
Why are you making excuses for your own laziness and unwillingness to take some pride in what you are posting?