Atheists, which Religion is the worst in your opinion?


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Most of my Atheist friends seem to attack Islam and Christianity the most.
Which one do YOU despise? Why?
@David It may seem that way when reading some of the old testament stories, but that is because of the time period. So your wrong.
Islam and Christianity are usually attacked because they are the "mainstream religions" with many followers, and in particular, a lot of legal power. Based on that, I would agree.

I would still say that pure Christianity, based entirely on the Bible, is absolutely abhorrent. The immorality of that book is sickening.
Don't ask these kinds of questions. They escalate into flamewars rather quickly.

EDIT: It has already begun.
I feel most sorry for those entrapped within the Abrahamic machine.

I despise any political organisation that controls it`s flock with myths, fantasies and fairy tales.
All Religion is Free invention of humans

Freely invented by man

10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000s of religions in world.

i saw jesus last week at walmart...
I don't usually answer this really REALLY original 'question' but...
Mooslim would have the most destructive nutters within its ranks.

“The Muslim world is a brittle world, sitting atop a fossilised religion, devoid of any type of political or personal freedom and full of desperately poor people; a world threatened by civilisation and its prosperity, democratic values and, its freedom.”

Guido: "Muhammad is a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer,
a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman,
a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter."
Former Muslim Ali Sina offered $50,000 to anyone
who could prove otherwise based on Islamic texts.
The reward has gone unclaimed