Atheists, what do you think of Stalin's tactics to get of religion and it's

i am actually not aware of what Stalin did in that department specifically....that was mainly done and over with during Lenin's rule.
So all i know is that he seized church property. I dont think he killed people over it. Not a big deal, imho.... yes its somewhat like thought police but at the same time i do think marx had a point when he spoke of the inherent dangers of religion to ethical civilisation.
Stalin tried to replace religious ideology with political ideology. Both were dogmatic and authoritarian
Didn't work.Physical extermination only made martyrs from believers and that is what christianity stands on.Ridiculing and education would yield better results
Of course I don't agree with killing people.

But, without Stalin and the Soviets, Hitler probably would have won WW2 so I guess we should thank him a little bit.

Oh and btw, Hitler was a catholic and believed that his 'superior race' were chosen by god.
I do not approve. You can't get rid of religion through force, it doesn't work that way. Just keep it out of government, and educate people.
Stalin was a creep of the first water. His mama went too far when she squirted his protoplasm into existence. His views on religion aren't worth a hill of beans. He could dress as the pope or the devil himself. What difference would that make?