Atheists, do you bring up the topic of the error of believing in God or do you...

Depends, if it is with my friends I have known for a while then the topic is avoided. I am the only Atheist in my group of friends, the topic of religion came up once and it got pretty heated. We agreed to disagree.

If it is some one that I am getting to know. Then I will ask, I am interested in what people believe in, even if I don't believe in it myself.
But I don't start the religious discussion with the intention of starting a fight.
Offline, even if someone brings god up, I generally try not to burst their tiny bubble.

But if they actively want to engage in a discussion about it, sometimes I will accomodate them. Or if they're being a total ass about it. When I have the energy for it (arguing with burning stupid is energy-sapping)
The error isn't in the belief of a deity, the error is asserting that, that's the absolute truth.
I don't think I've talked to anyone about it.
I spoke to someone I met on Yahoo a few times, but not with other people.
Only when someone else brings it up.
Like, I don't say "HEY GUESS WHAT I'M AN ATHEIST", but if someone wants to know, I'll tell them and I'll tell them why. Or if they're telling me about what they think, I'll give them my two cents.
I only bring it up when asked. I may bring up religion-relevant topics, such as my anger towards Christian Scientist types who let their children suffer and die for their superstitions, but I won't evangelise or bring it up in irrelevant contexts.