atheists, do you believe that the teaching of Christ is relevant today ?

i'd give going bananas the best answer because that answer is the truth.

no matter what mankinds track record is with religion - even to those who do not believe in christs existence the teachings of christ are undeniable, and to deny his teachings shows a defectiveness of the denier (denial of the truth is also the same as insanity)... or to put it plain and simple - sin - which we all do have, the thing is accepting that we do have sin just as we accept the teachings as the way and the word.
every religion teaches this in some way or form, which leads me to believe that it would be relevant even if religion did not exist.
You don't need to be a Christian in order to love your neighbor but I do object it when they try to demonize pagans and gays. Telling that pagans and gays would burn in hell for no reason other than not sharing your faith is self righteous.
Love is relevant, yes. The whole slave-think mentality that Jesus both subscribed to and preach about is not relevant however.
Errr... do you have any idea just how disrespectful it is to ask a complex (& insulting) question then gloat about it not being a "yes/no" answer?

& I'm a non-Atheist who'd know better than to ask something this rude. I might as well ask if you (as a Christian (I assume)) believe in the teachings of Mohammad?

FTR I'm not Muslim either, but I do advocate Spiritual Respect. To disband the bigoted mindset that labels "evil" to anything that's not the speaker's personal taste.

ill give you that SOME moral things can be learned from the bible but it is also full of contradictions and it is not relevant because it is possible to live a moral life without god because if god is all thats stopping you from being immoral then i am more moral than you. i dont need the threat of punishment to do what is right although some people are selfish and that is why we have our own laws. Also how do you think people lived before jesus supposedly came down they werent all evil which further proves you dont need god to be moral.
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
--Jesus (Matthew 10:34)

He wasn't always a nice guy you know.