Are you a hugger? Like when you greet people (family or non family)?

It used to be that one had to really beg and keep after me if they wanted a hug from me. My mom and a few close friends were pretty much the only people who applied...

My husband and my kids have changed that, tho, like they've changed so very many things about me and what I care about. I'm still not the person who walks around hugging everyone, but I do really enjoy loving on my family and the friends who might as well be family.
Yep, I'm a hugger. The man hug (hand shake, reach over and heartily pat on back) is very popular. Hug and kiss most of my women friends/family.
Family like my husband and kids I hug, my nieces( teens) I hug for hello and goodbye but thats it. Occasionally I might hug my sil and bil for goodbye. Friends, no other family no.
It depends on the person. I am OK with hugs and I don't mind if people hug or kiss me. If I haven't seen people for a while or they are very close I will always hug. If someone is not a touchy-feely person I can usually tell and don't hug.
I hug my mom and dad every time I see them, my grandparents. My little brother, my nephew, my son, and of course my wife. Other than that, no not really.
God no.
I have an Aunt who's one of those vise grip types. Whenever she sees you, she comes in and squeezes you until you hear a freakin' rib crack.

Now I'm not proud of this, but I have thrown people under the bus before by shoving them forward to take the hug for me.
Honestly, no. I'm not a touchy feely person at all. I like my space.

I coach a team, and they all know I hate to be hugged. After they were all hot and sweaty from practice one day, one of the girls ran over to me and tried to give me a hug, just to see me freak out. She's 17 and she knew better... I literally RAN. Like I said, I'd rather not be touched.