Are there any weird trends among the teenagers in your town?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
I live in a small town so if there's a trend it catches on very fast. But for some reason, practically every teenager I come across that know eachother, they all worship satan. No joke. I'm always seeing that little satan symbol as a fashion accessory, even though none of them dress or act goth they ALWAYS say "hail satan!!!' And its caught on to almost everyone I meet. Heck my old friend who used to love Jesus & be a Christian, well now she owns a devil book or a satan Bible or whatever she calls it, and all of ger friends are really into it. Practically everyone has those little satan symbols too. Its so weird I mean out of all the things they could have chosen to love its satan? I mean come on that's freaky :/

BQ: How often do you see hippies? (I see them a lot, considering where I live)
BQ: Are you flexible?
BQ: Have you ever ridden a horse?
BQ: Have you ever seen an animal so cute you don't know what to do & you feel this urge to squeeze it because its so cute?
@BER - Both lol
Woops! I mean that last thing @SevereSarcasm not BER
Almost everyone thinks its cool to dress like a faggot

BQ: a lot
BQ: no, i can't even touch my toes :/
BQ: yes
BQ: yes
Haha, I have a sweater that says "Smoke Meth, Hail Satan". It's only for the hell of it, no pun intended.

Everyone is in their own type of crowd, we have the little swag kids who go clubbing every Friday, the athletic people who think that they're superior, the Scholars who are too arrogant, the "Scenesters", and Otakus.

BQ: Every day on the bus, they smell like urine.
BQ: Somewhat, I do do yoga daily so that helps but I mostly do it to lose weight.
BQ: Of course, I'm a Mexican! We have several horses in Mexico. I hope to buy a large area soon so I can have my own horse.
BQ: My hamster, that I happened to have suffocated a couple of times =|
The Harlem Shake. -__- I don't see why though. :(

BQ: Not often at all. I've only seen one in person. ^-^
BQ: Pretty much. :)
BQ: Yes. I didn't enjoy it too much, though. :D
BQ: Yes - I feel that way every time I see an animal or an insect. ^-^
Ignorance and flat out stupidity. People in my school like to talk bad about so many things that they don't even know sh*t about.
BQ: Not a lot to be honest, I am not sure I have ever seen a full fledged hippie.
BQ: Somewhat but not very.
BQ: Yes I used to ride horses all the time at my uncles ranch in Chicago.
BQ: Yes, countless times.
A lot of things actually, we're ghetto in a suburbs (I know I don't understand). I'm ashamed of my race...

BQ: How often do you see hippies? Never
BQ: Are you flexible? I'm a guy, so...
BQ: Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, it was awesome
BQ: Have you ever seen an animal so cute you don't know what to do & you feel this urge to squeeze it because its so cute? Yes, totally.
Swag, Nike's, beats, other brand specific items. No one can Just wear a shirt, it ha to be a specific brand.

BQ: No.
BQ2: No and o.o
BQ4: Yes, then it died.
There's a couple weird trends in my school, but nothing THAT weird ahaha. Girls in my school all wear reeeeaaallllyyy fluffy socks overtop of their jeans? And put huge buns ontop of their heads. Winged eyeliner is also pretty popular at the moment(and when I say winged, I mean it goes half way around the side of their heads .__.). But that's about as weird as it gets, haha.

Bq1: A couple hippies here and there. But mostly just hipsters.
Bq2: Yeeesss, I can do my middle, right and vertical splits.
Bq3: Yes, twice actually.
Bq4: YES, OMG ALL THE TIME. I thought I was the only one!
Just out of curiosity, which symbols are they wearing? Pentagrams or inverted crosses?

The weird trends at my school are sending friends links to disgusting fetish porn videos, moaning whenever it gets quiet in class, anarchy and peace signs (how do these go together?), shirts with rap lyrics, and, specifically in guys, Hello Kitty. My whole school is obsessed with sex.

BQ: Whenever I pass by the local art school. (My mom told me if she ever saw me with one of them she'd disown me.)
BQ: Yes. I can put my foot behind my head.
BQ: No.
BQ: Yes! Who doesn't feel that way when they see a cute animal?
I think the latest trend here is saying "ratchet" or "truth." It's soooo annoying. Oh, twerking and the Harlem shake. Personally I don't really care about trends but I have to keep up with them because that's all my classmates and even teachers talk about!!
I don't see any of 'em worshiping Satan though...that's creepy.

BQ: I see them a lot too because I live near SF :)
BQ: Nah not really. I'd like to think I am but I'm not:(
BQ: No...that's on my bucket list too!!
BQ: Yes esp little puppies!!! I just want to take them home and hug them forever until they die...haha
Stupidity. And also the Harlem Shake right now.

BQ: Never! That would be so cool though! Hippies are cool.
BQ2: No.
BQ3: Yes actually. Last summer at this carnival there was this lot in which you could circle around on a horse. It felt so high off the ground when I got on the horse, but it was fun. I waved to people.
BQ4: Yes and yes. :'O
A lot men have that twirly mustache
Like this:

BQ: How often do you see hippies? (I see them a lot, considering where I live)

BQ: Are you flexible?
Not really

BQ: Have you ever ridden a horse?

BQ: Have you ever seen an animal so cute you don't know what to do & you feel this urge to squeeze it because its so cute?
Haha yes.
theres a million different trends where i live i cant pinpoint one as the majority
bq: never seen one
bq: not at all cant even touch my toes
bq: twice. both terrible experiences
Apparently skiing down 2,000 feet of vertical, on their bellies...
BQ: I live in Vermont, lol. Everyone's got a little bit of hippie in him.
BQ: Not really
BQ: Yes
BQ: no
Chief keef
And here's something crazy, but not as crazy as the satan worship: the girls will stuff shirts and stuff up their shirt so they look pregnant, dumb girls.