
  1. N

    I am writing a love story between teenagers. I need advice (Pleases and Thank you)?

    I am writing a love story between teenagers. I wanted to know, when do you prefer your characters to have a romantic kiss and also going out? In this case if the guy is a player who known for being with different girls sexual but lack intimacy because he will never kiss any female in the mouth...
  2. D

    Good reading books for teenagers?

    Ok I'm a teenage girl and i quite like reading when I can get into the book, so what kind of books would you recommend? I don't like Jaqueline Wilson btw
  3. M

    Are there any weird trends among the teenagers in your town?

    I live in a small town so if there's a trend it catches on very fast. But for some reason, practically every teenager I come across that know eachother, they all worship satan. No joke. I'm always seeing that little satan symbol as a fashion accessory, even though none of them dress or act goth...
  4. T

    Poor Diet And Physical Inactivity Common Among America's Teenagers

    Many teenagers with poor health behaviors and cardiovascular risk factors are at an increased risk of developing heart disease in later life, according to new research published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation. The researchers calculated the cardiovascular health of...
  5. B

    Teenagers are you always on phone?

    How much hours do you spend daily??
  6. B

    Why do French teenagers use "^" so much when chatting online?

    Everytime I talk to my friends from France on Facebook chat, they always use the symbol ^ or ^^ when answering a question I asked them, which, yes, does appear above their answer in the chat...but why do they all find it necessary to type that symbol as if I don't know they're answering my...
  7. B

    Why do French teenagers use "^" so much when chatting online?

    Everytime I talk to my friends from France on Facebook chat, they always use the symbol ^ or ^^ when answering a question I asked them, which, yes, does appear above their answer in the chat...but why do they all find it necessary to type that symbol as if I don't know they're answering my...
  8. D

    Question for teenagers or people who use cell phones often?

    If a cell phone goes dead right in the middle of a conversation, and you call that dead phone back do they all go straight to voice mail, are there any that will ring 4-5 times and then voice mail will pick up? A guy I was talking to, our conversation just went dead in the middle of the...
  9. E

    why do young teenagers find gays so funny?

    There was something on the news about the Prime Minister supporting gay marriage and my 13 year old daughter and 15 year old son were in fits of laughter. I told them that it was not funny, just people who were gay wanting to get married like anyone else but this had them in uncontrollable...
  10. S

    In the t.v. show American Horror Story, why are the teenagers that Tate killed ghost?

    They didn't die on the property?
  11. T

    Help for Troubled Teenagers (September 9, 2012 - Part 2) - Sep 27,2012

    Part 2 of 3: Originally Aired September 9, 2012 Dianne Linderman speaks with a caller about the upcoming election and the “brainwashed” voters. Dianne also discusses how, for many years, she has been helping troubled teenagers – with a huge success rate! Tune in to hear a heartfelt story that...
  12. T

    Teenagers With Type 2 Diabetes Benefit From Metformin And Rosiglitazone Combo

    A combination of two diabetes drugs, metformin and rosiglitazone, was more effective in treating youth with recent-onset type 2 diabetes than metformin alone, a study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has found. Adding an intensive lifestyle intervention to metformin provided no...
  13. A

    Surprise! Teenagers Not Too Stupid To Take Plan B Without A Prescription

    Last year, the FDA toyed with the idea of making Plan B available to girls under the age of 17 without a prescription, but U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary*Kathleen Sebelius quickly quashed the plan, stating essentially that teenagers were too dumb to read the label and...
  14. N

    Why do teenagers find it so funny when their parents make a mistake?

    I used to get so mad when my younger sisters would laff and snicker, if my mom made an error or got a minor detail wrong... and now my teenage son and daughter thinks it's just hilarious if I make a mistake. I think it's disrespecful... and it gets under my skin as a parent. Too bad they are...
  15. D

    The most interesting speech topics for teenagers?

    Hey. Next week i'm going to make "public speech".The auditory is my classmates 15-17 yrs.And tomorrow I have to say to my teacher which topic I have chosen.Do you have any ideas of interesting or good topic for this speech? Thanks for your answers.
  16. N

    P&O cruise advice for me and my Teenagers?

    I want to take my children on a cruise with P&O to the pacific islands, I would love any advice , also is it a good idea to have a balcony?
  17. F

    is there a place that rents snowmobiles to teenagers in sunapee NH?

    We are looking for a place to rent a snowmobile for my 16 year old son while we are vacationing in Sunapee, NH. He does not have a drivers' license. Does anyone know of a place that will rent to us for him to use. We have our own snowmobiles but want him to be able to join us for a day or two on...
  18. C

    Why do teenagers smell so funny?

    I never noticed smelling weird when I was a teenager, but maybe i was immune to it bc everyone i hung out with smelled the same. I notice that they all smell weird. Like even the non-fat, well dressed ones. And what's with those weird Bieberish hair-do's? do they know they smell so weird and...
  19. A

    Why does it seem like suicide is becoming a trend among bullied/gay teenagers?

    I mean, bullying has been around for forever. But now, the media is focusing on all of these suicides.
  20. P

    What are some interesting topics for a tutorial for a group of teenagers that can...

    ...be debated on? I need an interesting topic that can be discussed by teenagers..other groups did abortion and too sexy, too soon (young girls growing up too fast).