Are Actors/Famous People/Celebs Honestly HAPPY?


May 20, 2008
Or do they put on a face and in secret they are actually in a lot of emotional turmoil?

are they happier or less happy on the inside than people who aren't famous?
Some people crave attention. But sometimes celebrities crave privacy. It's hard to understand that. Most celebrities are dragged down emotionally by Magazines and gossip. The second they do something even remotely bad it's covered on magazines "THIS PERSON HAD AN AFFAIR" THIS PERSON GAINED A FEW KILO'S" "THIS PERSON SWORE" They are constantly forced to be careful. These "gossip" things irritate them. But if not.. Celebrities are quite happy with their lives if they have earned it and worked hard to be at the stage they are at now.
Some are not very happy and it makes me sad. :(

I think all the pressure and stuff really takes a toll on celebrities.