
  1. Z

    Can you atheists honestly prove that Christ was not ressurected when all the...

    ...evidence points in that direction? (The ball's in your court)
  2. L

    Are Actors/Famous People/Celebs Honestly HAPPY?

    Or do they put on a face and in secret they are actually in a lot of emotional turmoil? are they happier or less happy on the inside than people who aren't famous?
  3. M

    Please Read, Not a Joke, Honestly?

    Please Read: These people are destroying the foundation of our Country. They are called the Westboro Baptist Church. If you have yet to hear about them please watch the video below. I started an official petition at the White House and need your help making it grow. Please spread the word and...
  4. J

    What would you like to ask?can you honestly say blue ray is way better than dvd

    and worth the investment? ok I got about 20 blue ray movies so far andthe player but no hd tv. so the dvds are better quality actually on older action movies I noticed. but I'm told once I get that hd tv and surround sound it will be an experience.. ok I have dvd and surround sound but so far...
  5. X

    I desperately need marriage advice (and, honestly, a little venting)?

    I posted in marriage/divorce section too, but I like the people in this section and was hoping for your input also... I’m very unhappy in my marriage and don’t know what to do. I have a 1 year old son. I really want to have 1 more child, but am afraid if I leave my husband, I won’t be able to...
  6. W

    Do you honestly believe that there's a meaningful difference between the 2

    parties, and where they'll lead us? Obviously, there are short term differences. The matter of which president we elect next fall, for example, might affect exactly how many months into 2013 we invade Iran, and the partisan makeup of congress may have some bearing on how close they get to the...
  7. R

    honestly, what in the hell is the meaning of life?

    I think I'm asking this because tomorrow I finish my schooling, and even with the intense amount of life experience I've had at such a young age I still don't know what to make of life, my existence and am scared that I'll amount to nothing and be a failure. It all sounds very teen angsty I know...
  8. C

    ok honestly people which one is better the iphone 4 or the samsung galaxy s2?

    well i want to know because i don't want o buy the iphone 4 and then wish i got the galaxy so please leave you opinions
  9. J

    Should I make this into a dvd for my Grandparents? HONESTLY? &please watch

    the whole thing; the ending is cool? Should I make this into a dvd for my Grandparents? HONESTLY? &please watch the whole thing; the ending is cool? Should I make this into a dvd for my Grandparents? HONESTLY? &please watch the whole thing, the ending is cool! Watch whole thing please! Only like...
  10. J

    Should I make this into a dvd for my Grandparents? HONESTLY? &please watch the...

    ...whole thing, the ending is cool? Watch whole thing please! Only like 3:09 Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJrp-HZOmrg&feature=colike
  11. M

    My boyfriend and I been together for 3 months and honestly I feel like I'm...

    ...always arguing with him for stupid? My boyfriend and I been together for 3 months and honestly I feel like I'm always arguing with him for stupid reasons because I still don't trust him. I know that to be in a healthy relationship you need to trust but it's hard because on the first month we...
  12. C

    PLEASE PLEASE listen to our song first song and tell us what you honestly think?

    we are a two man acoustic band from London and we are called Bring The Colours. we have just written our first song 'Copper Stars' and we will be recording it within a few weeks. we would be really grateful if you could give it a listen and tell us what you think. this is our passion and this is...
  13. D

    honestly people, everyone....?

    does anyone else think the idea of global warming is a bit off the topic.. does it really matter if its human caused, real or not etc etc.... the fact is, we know that burning fossil fuels and the way we sustain our modern lifestyles isn't good for the world we live in why don't we just take...
  14. B

    what do you think of kim kardashian's engagement? honestly, i think they have...

    ...0 chemistry and I think? she accepted because she is 30 and he is probably the first decent guy to have proposed to her. That being said, their body language together screams 'awkward'. You can tell that deep down she does not love him and wants reggie.
  15. C

    OK I know apparently there's ''no such thing as 'normal''' but HONESTLY -...

    ...WHERE do I go to meet NORMAL PEOPLE? I seem to be surrounded by weirdo's - Honestly its no JOKE anymore.... I've really had enough of it and don't know where on earth I go to meet people who aren't ****** up! :-( Thanks for all your answers filled with hope ;-) lol I just think obviously...
  16. D

    Girls honestly wich is more important? looks or confidence and humor?

    girls, do average-looking guys saying funny things really work with u? i mean i keep reading these stories online about some average joe talking up a beautiful girl by being confident and saying something funny or witty but does that really work? in the movie or somethin u see some weird lookin...
  17. K

    Honestly, what do you think my style is?

    I've always been interested in the UK (more like the style of it. the models, the singers..) ever since I was 14. I love people like Marilyn Monroe (I know she's not European but she has a UK-like-style) and music like Ellie Goulding and Florence & The Machine. I have a Tumblr of course...
  18. G

    Why did user "Jilly Cooper" block me for honestly answering her last question LOL?

    Why did user "Jilly Cooper" block me for honestly answering her last question LOL? Just curious lol ahahahahahaha!!! =)
  19. G

    Why did user "Jilly Cooper" block me for honestly answering her last question LOL?

    Why did user "Jilly Cooper" block me for honestly answering her last question LOL? Just curious lol ahahahahahaha!!! =)
  20. G

    Why did user "Jilly Cooper" block me for honestly answering her last question LOL?

    Why did user "Jilly Cooper" block me for honestly answering her last question LOL? Just curious lol ahahahahahaha!!! =)