Anyone see the irony of how some americans are whining about socialism, when its


May 14, 2008
fascism thats doing them in? They talk about how socialism is destroying the USA, when everywhere I look I see that people with big power and big money and greedy people are the ones who are calling the shots and controlling the politicians and getting the policies that they is that socialism? Can anyone explain what is going to enlighten these people. I see it, but I want to know if others do too.
I mean think about it...its a classic military strategy to distract the ones you are attacking by making them think the attack is coming from one direction...while you pounce on them from the other side. I got to hand it to the fascists..they are very shrewd the way they are pulling it off.
You pose a good question.

I would agree that fascism is calling political opponents "enemies," in a free nation, but the only factor (but, it is a very visible factor) I can think of is that the primary emphasis seems to be on a more social agenda. Obamacare is one example, although they certainly used terror tactics to push it through, just like the stimulus bill. I mean, it's absurd, if you can't afford insurance, you can't afford it, and penalizing you for your lack of money won't help you afford it any better.

Although, those with money and power will always be controlling something in the world. It has been since the Dark Ages, Roman times, and on back. Regardless of what is instituted, fascism, communism, socialism, there will be people with money and power controlling those. We see it today and it's been in history.
Yes. I am amazed at the number of people really struggling in this economy that have been convinced that the answer to their problems is to let Exxon Mobil and billionaires keep more of their billions when they already keep more than at any other time in Post WW II America.
For 30 years wealth has been flowing from the middle class to the wealthy. The rich get richer, the middle class shrinks and struggles. Yet somehow those most affected by this backward redistribution of wealth have been convinced to speed it up. It is the con of the Millenium
That's why we should go back to the principles of limited government. The more government gets involved with corporation the more corporations get involved with government. Eventually you end up with Communism, Fascism or something like them.
George Soros is the puppet master. He's donated to hundreds of radical left groups... And he's the 35th richest person in the world. He wants to destroy the dollar...
Yup. the facists cleverly control the media so they distract the masses with ridiculous things like "socialism, maoism, marxism etc" while they happily run away with all the money
I think it can be more accurately called Neo-fascism, but yes it is ironic. Joe Miller in Alaska was literally a fascist, but he complained constantly about the socialists, and a lot of idiots fell for it.
State controlled capitalism is closely related to Fascism, Isn't that more like what Obama has push for by his policies. Both Socialism and Fascism is despotism.
If the friggin feds would just get their ignorant inept hands out of private sector everything would be no politicians knows jack squirt about employment, payrolls, or managing a business...

our congress, president doj and FED aer the enemies of the USA economy! Fact.

Just like when FDR spiraled us into 10 yrs off depression--by diddling with private biz..which he knew nothing about.
"its a classic military strategy to distract the ones you are attacking by making them think the attack is coming from one direction...while you pounce on them from the other side"

So.. that's what you're doing here?
The strategy you are talking about is called circling the wagons or mob at the gate. I would consider what we have now as a plutocracy more that fascist. I see the whining about creeping socialism as a rudimentary historical ignorance that plagues a country whose tax rate has dropped by more than half in three decades.

It's not so much ironic as it is pathetic.